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Crunchy Shrimp Salad

cooked shrimp dish

A crunchy and flavorful shrimp salad with iceberg lettuce, spinach, celery, radishes, and a zesty dressing. The shrimp are marinated overnight for extra flavor.

This recipe can use either parmesan or nutritional yeast for the cheese, and also uses Instant Quinoa Croutons, so you are getting your grains and your crunch on!

Cooking Method ,
Difficulty Intermediate
Best Season Suitable throughout the year

A crunchy and flavorful shrimp salad with iceberg lettuce, spinach, celery, radishes, and a zesty dressing. The shrimp are marinated overnight for extra flavor.

  • Iceberg Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Celery
  • Radishes
  • Tomato
  • Cucumber
  • Topping:
  • Pre-frozen Shrimp (thawed or defrosted) marinated in Lime Juice, Salt, and Pepper
  • Dressing:
  • 1/2 Tbsp Olive Oil,
  • Red Wine Vinegar
  1. Pan-sear shrimp, or sprinkle with water and microwave. Mix and toss ingredients in salad with dressing, then top with shrimp.
Keywords: shrimp salad, shrimp, crunchy, iceberg lettuce, spinach
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