Read more about the article The DAO of Empowering Your Morning: Own Your Day From The Moment it Begins
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The DAO of Empowering Your Morning: Own Your Day From The Moment it Begins

“What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.” —Ralph Marston

We all have 24 hours in a day. So do all the Fortune 500 CEOs. So does Beyoncé. Our responsibilities have responsibilities.

Do you want to make the most out of your day? Start by empowering your morning! The way you start your day can set the tone for the rest of your day. Therefore, it’s essential to create a morning routine that works for you and fuels your success. You can look at the morning in two ways – something that just happens to you, or an opportunity for you to seize the day. This is the DAOFitLife guide to empowering your morning.

Here are some tips to help you empower your morning and set yourself up for a “high vibration” day.


Read more about the article Toxic Hustle Culture: How to Overcome the Busyness Trap and Lead a Fulfilling, Productive Life
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Toxic Hustle Culture: How to Overcome the Busyness Trap and Lead a Fulfilling, Productive Life

‘Hustle Culture’ is a loaded term that means showing the world what a boss you are. And as busy people, we live on this. Striving and staying positive – that’s the thing, right? I even have ‘hustle’ in the title of my book.

But it can go too far – and become a ‘toxic hustle’ culture where we are obsessed with being busy and squeezing everything out of every second. What’s worse, it has become somewhat of a competition. Humble brags on social media along with prideful declaration of one being “swamped” are the new status symbol.

In today’s toxic hustle culture, brandishing one’s busyness is like swinging a Birkin bag. The support for this principle is not just anecdotal – a recent article in Harvard Business Review highlights how busyness has become the new status symbol. The result is a reported rise in “time poverty”. So much for luxury bags! This got me thinking – what is “busyness” really achieving for us in the fulfillment of our long-term values? 


Read more about the article What Would Jesus Eat? Where Food and Faith Collide
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What Would Jesus Eat? Where Food and Faith Collide

In 1 Corinthians 10:31, it says, “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 

So how do food and faith collide? Whether you follow a certain religion or just are one with the universe, food and how you treat your body with it can have a powerful role on your spiritual life. In this season of Lent, I was curious about how something so innate to our body survival – food – can connect with faith – which for those of us who follow one, is a way of feeding our souls.


woman in black tank top and black pants walking on sidewalk during daytime
Running in a well-populated park is a great way to enjoy the outdoors safely. Photo by Jozsef Hocza

When Exercise is Unsafe: How to Protect Yourself from Being Stalked or Attacked

A staggering 84% of women have been harassed while running. According to recent findings, 30% of women reported being followed at one point by someone in a car, on a bike, or on foot. And it’s not just outdoors. According to a recent survey of approximately 1330 women, approximately 530 of those women felt sometimes when they go to the gym, they feel unsafe when working out, and another 192 women reported OFTEN feeling unsafe when they worked out. While this is a prevalent issue among those who identify as women, the discussion in this post is applicable to everyone.


Read more about the article Your Sweaty, Handcuffed Wrist Demands You Read This
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Your Sweaty, Handcuffed Wrist Demands You Read This

I have not worn a wearable fitness device in years. I have no idea exactly how many hours I have slept, what my resting heart rate is, how many calories I burned at SoulCycle, or how many steps I made each day. In this case, ignorance is truly bliss. And more evidence is starting to show that it is worth considering whether these devices actually are really improving our overall health – including mental health.


Read more about the article Live well in 2023: The DAOFitLife Glow Up Guide
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Live well in 2023: The DAOFitLife Glow Up Guide

It’s a new year and a new start, which means it’s the perfect time to focus on yourself and make some positive changes. One way to do this is to “glow up,” or make improvements to your physical and mental well-being. You can “glow up” in many ways, and a lot of it is bigger than what you see on the outside. A true “glow up” is an inside AND outside job. 

Here are some tips on how to glow up this January.


Read more about the article Why Being a Narcissist is Actually a Good Goal for 2023
Sometimes distorted self-image can be a huge asset. Photo by banusevim @ Adobe Stock

Why Being a Narcissist is Actually a Good Goal for 2023

At the end of 2022, the Internet almost broke in a maelstrom of heated debate about narcissm. In case you were busy Christmas shopping and missed it, an article in Politico Politico profiled the year of 2022 for “narcissists” including Meghan Markle and some other famous and infamous personalities. Markle’s inclusion in the piece, titled “The Year We All Finally Got Tired of the Narcissists,” was met with pushback on social media which necessarily was based on the underlying assumption that being a narcissism is a bad thing not to be associated with. But did you know, according to psychologists that some types of narcissism are good, even aspirational?


Read more about the article My “Opposite” New Year’s Exercise Resoluton
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My “Opposite” New Year’s Exercise Resoluton

Many New Year’s resolutions involve quitting. Quitting drinking, quitting smoking, quitting sugar, Or starting some big challenge – mainly involving working out. We see the gyms and workout studios fill up with determined people who may have been in a holiday cookie blur but could be mistaken for ironman training competitors. So hardcore and leaving no space on cardio machines, workout classes and you can forget the bench press. You may go to a yoga class and experience namaste or a foot in your face. 

The hard and simple truth: You can’t outrun, outdance, outkickbox, or outnamaste a bad diet. And I am looking to partially prove that and some other things by my 2023 New Year’s Resolution.


Read more about the article DAOFitLife 2022: A Year in Review
Welcome merry Christmas and happy new year in 2023,Silhouette Man jumping from 2022 cliff to 2023 cliff with cloud sky and sunlight.

DAOFitLife 2022: A Year in Review

A collection of the top 5 articles and videos from this year. will inspire you and give you some ideas for workouts to start the New Year. Enjoy the holidays and Happy 2023!


Whatever you write down will fade by February. So do something different, now. Photo by Tim Mossholder

New Year’s Resolutions for People With Real Jobs

  – and sustain it.  If resolutions are not sustainable, then what IS sustainable? Changing your daily HABITS is a sustainable way to make lifelong differences. That is because you are working with what you are already doing every single day - making decisions. Every single habit we have is…

Read more about the article Level up your workout game
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Level up your workout game

It is time to level up your workout game. But you have to start somewhere. And that’s what you will learn here whether you are at ground zero or reaching for that next rung of the ladder.


Read more about the article Cardio v. Weights Decision Tree
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Cardio v. Weights Decision Tree

It is the debate that has rocked the fitness world. When you want to level up, combining cardio and weights is ideal. But when you do go for that combo, what do you do first? The answer can make a difference in how quickly you level up your fitness game.


Read more about the article The Hardest Workout in the World: A Guide to Barry’s Bootcamp
Literally, the room is this color. At the Washington DC Dupont Circle Barrys.

The Hardest Workout in the World: A Guide to Barry’s Bootcamp

It’s a workout that has attracted the biggest celebrities and gained a reputation as THE place to be if you want to push yourself to the limits. As most global brands do, it started with a crazy dream. Barry Jay founded this fitness craze together with his partners in West Hollywood in 1998 and has since opened dozens of studios in 15 states and 15 countries (including Norway, the UAE and Qatar). It has attracted celebrities like Jessica Alba and Jake Gyllenhaal, David Beckham, Adriana Lima, and Harry Styles (who was rumored to have been recently in the DC Studio – unconfirmed)

Barry’s can be summed up as this: a red room, blasting music, a motivating instructor, and everyone going so hard you would think it’s the Hunger Games.

The DAOFitLIfe Guide to Barry’s follows (note: all views are my own opinion and not supported by any outside organization).


Read more about the article A Separate Bank Account Can Protect You – And Your Relationship
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A Separate Bank Account Can Protect You – And Your Relationship

It was the fall of 1992. Kieran and Olivia* had just been married. Kieran went to the bank to make a deposit in their joint savings account (note the date – none of this was avaiable via online transaction).

The teller asked him “which account?” 

He snapped his head up and asked her back. “What do you mean which account? There’s another account?” 

There was another account. 


two women in suits standing beside wall
Social interaction and the act of "waking up" are advantages to returning to the office. Photo by Christina @

How Going Back to the Office Might Make You Happier

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – African proverb

The Whiteboarding. The coffee machine hissing. The Bright lights. The Big monitors. The hum of the printer and the sound of people chatter mixing with the clacks of the keyboard for an ambient tone (in fact, you can actually download it if you want.)


people sitting on chair inside building
Photo by Rayhan Fahmi

8 Tips to Beat Travel Anxiety

Traveling is almost unbearably stressful – even if it is for vacation. Especially if it is for work and you have to be places on time. Ironically not traveling during the pandemic was taking a serious toll on our mental health. But now, traveling again is affecting our mental health in new and different ways.

Sleep deprivation, time pressure, lack of a regular food and exercise routines, and unavoidable delays are hallmarks of travel, even pre-pandemic. But now, there is definitely a more palpable pressure and it seems to boil over when you get to the airport. Even if you have your boarding pass prior, you have to figure out what to do with your checked luggage, where to go to verify your documentation, and then deal with security, having your bags taken aside for screening, and long, crazy lines. That is, if random storms and airline strikes do not cause your flight to cancel altogether. Airlines are making things a little bit easier by allowing you to upload test results and attestation forms beforehand, but it still is a big to-do to even get through airport security. And, if your last journey was like mine, you will sit on the tarmac for 3 hours because of some “missing paperwork.” Why is paperwork always such an issue – is that code for something else? Seems like an almost anachronistic reference, like isn’t everything in the cloud? Regardless, these delays can cause you stress especially if you have a connecting flight.

This current situation has turned up the travel stress to about 1000. But we need to keep on going – especially for business travel. So how do we deal with the stomach-gnawing anxiety and uphold our mental health? My tips follow – and they are the best ones, because I just tried them out on myself in real time.



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