Read more about the article Mean Girls Tactics: How to Get More Respect
Alena Yakusheva

Mean Girls Tactics: How to Get More Respect

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

This weekend I saw the “Mean Girls” movie in Georgetown. The theater was packed with large groups of women AND girls, Gen Zers through Gen Xers excited to relive the magic that was “so fetch” in 2004. I have seen the original Mean Girls movie probably upwards of 10 times. I know almost every line and the timing. This is probably why I was let down. There is just no way the acting in this movie had a standing chance against the pure gold of the original Plastics. And this is why: because they missed the whole originality of how the Plastics were really “Mean.” Based on what I heard in the restroom stalls afterwards, I know I was not alone. And so illustrates my point. The best secrets are always in the stalls. I’ve known that since 9th grade. And I have seen “mean” firsthand. This article (which is just for entertainment) examines how old-school mean worked and how some of those strategies can actually benefit you if used in a non-malicious way.


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Read more about the article How to Make New Year’s Resolutions You Actually Keep
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How to Make New Year’s Resolutions You Actually Keep

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  • Reading time:7 mins read

Every January, gyms across the world witness a surge in activity as individuals embark on their New Year’s Resolutions to get fit with determination and high spirits. However, by February, a staggering 80 percent of these resolutions fall by the wayside. The crowded gym floors of January become sparse, and the enthusiasm fades away. But fear not! This year, I came up with a key to for you to break the cycle that does not involve shilling out 2K for a piece of equipment that will eventually be a clothes hanger.


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Read more about the article Your ChatGPT Guide to Calories and Macros
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Your ChatGPT Guide to Calories and Macros

In the ever-evolving landscape of health and nutrition, the role of artificial intelligence in shaping our understanding is increasingly prominent. In this new series, “Ask ChatGPT,” we will throw it right in the deep end with the debate of whether you should count calories or macros.


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Read more about the article Sip, Sweat, Succeed: Your Ultimate Dry January Guide
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Sip, Sweat, Succeed: Your Ultimate Dry January Guide

Ditch the glass, stow away the corkscrew, and prepare to embark on the adventure of a “Dry January.” This trend of abstaining from alcohol for the entire month has gained popularity over the years, promising not just a hangover-free start to the year but also a chance to reevaluate your relationship with that tempting tipple. So, should you hop on the sober bandwagon? Let’s uncork your Dry January Guide!


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Read more about the article SAD is normal – how you can overcome your winter blahs
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SAD is normal – how you can overcome your winter blahs

As December unfolds, the air is filled with anticipation and excitement for the upcoming holidays. However, amidst the festive spirit, the pressure to wrap up work tasks, attend social gatherings, and fulfill family obligations can lead to a spike in stress levels. Managing the year-end rush is crucial to prevent burnout and preserve your mental well-being. In this article, we’ll explore practical strategies to navigate the December chaos and prioritize self-care in ways that DON’T take up more of your time.


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Read more about the article Dirty Fasting: How to Make it Work for You
Dirty fasting can allow liquids like green juices throughout the day. Photo by Devin Avery

Dirty Fasting: How to Make it Work for You

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

In recent years, fasting has gained immense popularity for its potential health benefits, including weight loss, improved metabolic health, and enhanced mental clarity. Traditional fasting methods often involve abstaining from all calorie intake for extended periods, which can be quite challenging for many people. However, there’s a new and less restrictive approach on the block: dirty fasting. In dirty fasting, you primarily consume liquids until late in the day, providing you with more energy and flexibility than traditional fasting methods. This article explores the concept of dirty fasting, its potential benefits, and why it may be a more attainable fasting approach, as it was for me.


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Read more about the article ESCAPE the Free Food Trap: Strategies for Being Healthy This Holiday Season
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ESCAPE the Free Food Trap: Strategies for Being Healthy This Holiday Season

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  • Reading time:7 mins read

This week I attended a conference in San Diego, and at one point, to my horror I found that I was EATING CHILI LIME TORTILLA CHIPS FOR BREAKFAST.

WHAT THE WHAT? This my friends is a classic case of the “Free Food Trap,” and no one, not even the ones with the most willpower, are safe.

Whether it is a work event, friendsgiving/family Thanksgiving, holiday party, or even just minding your own business in Costco, there is FREE FOOD everywhere. And no matter how financially secure you may feel, for some reason, the natural reaction is to shovel it in like you were at the Last Supper.

Free food, it’s one of life’s greatest pleasures, right? We all love to indulge in delicious treats, and when they’re offered to us without a price tag, it’s even better. However, this “free food trap” can lead to overindulgence and impact our health, especially in typical scenarios like holidays, work events, kids’ school functions, and parties. But fear not, we’ve got strategies to help you navigate these situations while still enjoying yourself.

The good news is, there is a logical explanation, a primal reason in fact. And the key to escaping the food trap is understanding this reason and figuring out a way to outsmart it.


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Read more about the article Change Your Life with Your Words: The Power of Positive Affirmations
Christianchan@Adobe Stock

Change Your Life with Your Words: The Power of Positive Affirmations

“The definition of hell is: Your last day on Earth, the person you became meets the person you could have become.”– Dan Sullivan.

We all want to live up to our full potential. But life is moving so fast and there are so many obstacles. What can we utilize to manifest the best possible version of ourselves? The answer lies in our words, and this article will discuss how positive affirmations can completely change the direction of your life. I know this because it did with mine.


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Read more about the article The DAO of Conquering Negative Thoughts
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The DAO of Conquering Negative Thoughts

If you are on a path to fitness, mental fitness is a critical pillar.  You can  only fix so much on the outside. The negativity you experience on the inside can sabotage years of efforts and weigh you down, literally. It is a proven fact that positive thinking and weight loss success are interrelated. Not only that, but mastering the art of guarding your mind can lead to better job success, relationships, and overall health. On the flip side, a negative mindset is associated with depression, weight gain, and disease


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Read more about the article The DAO of Meditation for Busy People
If you practice long enough, you can go here in your mind. Photo by Simon Rae

The DAO of Meditation for Busy People

Who has time to meditate? Monks? And also, people who want to stay sane.

If you want to achieve next level fitness, the mental and spiritual element is a huge part of it. I am going to give you a simple guide to meditation, because I know you are too busy to meditate. And so am I.


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Read more about the article The DAO of Mastering Your Email Inbox: The Ultimate Efficiency Guide
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The DAO of Mastering Your Email Inbox: The Ultimate Efficiency Guide

As a successful business person, email is an integral part of your communication. But email should not stampede over your personal values and goals – including those that involve moving your body and bettering your mind. To ensure that you are using your time efficiently and effectively, we’ve put together a guide to help you manage your emails throughout the day.


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Read more about the article The DAO of Empowering Your Morning: Own Your Day From The Moment it Begins
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The DAO of Empowering Your Morning: Own Your Day From The Moment it Begins

“What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.” —Ralph Marston

We all have 24 hours in a day. So do all the Fortune 500 CEOs. So does Beyoncé. Our responsibilities have responsibilities.

Do you want to make the most out of your day? Start by empowering your morning! The way you start your day can set the tone for the rest of your day. Therefore, it’s essential to create a morning routine that works for you and fuels your success. You can look at the morning in two ways – something that just happens to you, or an opportunity for you to seize the day. This is the DAOFitLife guide to empowering your morning.

Here are some tips to help you empower your morning and set yourself up for a “high vibration” day.


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Read more about the article Toxic Hustle Culture: How to Overcome the Busyness Trap and Lead a Fulfilling, Productive Life
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Toxic Hustle Culture: How to Overcome the Busyness Trap and Lead a Fulfilling, Productive Life

‘Hustle Culture’ is a loaded term that means showing the world what a boss you are. And as busy people, we live on this. Striving and staying positive – that’s the thing, right? I even have ‘hustle’ in the title of my book.

But it can go too far – and become a ‘toxic hustle’ culture where we are obsessed with being busy and squeezing everything out of every second. What’s worse, it has become somewhat of a competition. Humble brags on social media along with prideful declaration of one being “swamped” are the new status symbol.

In today’s toxic hustle culture, brandishing one’s busyness is like swinging a Birkin bag. The support for this principle is not just anecdotal – a recent article in Harvard Business Review highlights how busyness has become the new status symbol. The result is a reported rise in “time poverty”. So much for luxury bags! This got me thinking – what is “busyness” really achieving for us in the fulfillment of our long-term values? 


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Read more about the article What Would Jesus Eat? Where Food and Faith Collide
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What Would Jesus Eat? Where Food and Faith Collide

In 1 Corinthians 10:31, it says, “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 

So how do food and faith collide? Whether you follow a certain religion or just are one with the universe, food and how you treat your body with it can have a powerful role on your spiritual life. In this season of Lent, I was curious about how something so innate to our body survival – food – can connect with faith – which for those of us who follow one, is a way of feeding our souls.


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Read more about the article When Exercise is Unsafe: How to Protect Yourself from Being Stalked or Attacked
Running in a well-populated park is a great way to enjoy the outdoors safely. Photo by Jozsef Hocza

When Exercise is Unsafe: How to Protect Yourself from Being Stalked or Attacked

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  • Reading time:14 mins read

A staggering 84% of women have been harassed while running. According to recent findings, 30% of women reported being followed at one point by someone in a car, on a bike, or on foot. And it’s not just outdoors. According to a recent survey of approximately 1330 women, approximately 530 of those women felt sometimes when they go to the gym, they feel unsafe when working out, and another 192 women reported OFTEN feeling unsafe when they worked out. While this is a prevalent issue among those who identify as women, the discussion in this post is applicable to everyone.


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Read more about the article Are you still deciding whether to join a gym? Pros and Cons of Home v. Gym workouts 
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Are you still deciding whether to join a gym? Pros and Cons of Home v. Gym workouts 

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  • Reading time:11 mins read

There has been a double-digit increase in the number of gym membership sign-ups in January versus the same period in pre-Covid times, said gym owners.

If you are thinking about joining a gym, or on the fence, here are some questions you need to ask yourself: 


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Read more about the article Your Sweaty, Handcuffed Wrist Demands You Read This
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Your Sweaty, Handcuffed Wrist Demands You Read This

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  • Reading time:9 mins read

I have not worn a wearable fitness device in years. I have no idea exactly how many hours I have slept, what my resting heart rate is, how many calories I burned at SoulCycle, or how many steps I made each day. In this case, ignorance is truly bliss. And more evidence is starting to show that it is worth considering whether these devices actually are really improving our overall health – including mental health.


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Read more about the article How to capture your life stories beyond your life 
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How to capture your life stories beyond your life 

There was a Wall Street Journal article published just before the end of 2022 that caught my eye, titled: The Way You Tell Your Life Story Matters, Start Now. The opening paragraph had a quote: Death steals everything except our stories, by the poet Jim Harrison. But the article cautions if we are not careful, death can steal those, too. 


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Read more about the article Live well in 2023: The DAOFitLife Glow Up Guide
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Live well in 2023: The DAOFitLife Glow Up Guide

It’s a new year and a new start, which means it’s the perfect time to focus on yourself and make some positive changes. One way to do this is to “glow up,” or make improvements to your physical and mental well-being. You can “glow up” in many ways, and a lot of it is bigger than what you see on the outside. A true “glow up” is an inside AND outside job. 

Here are some tips on how to glow up this January.


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