Read more about the article 5-minute Core Workout: No Equipment Needed
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5-minute Core Workout: No Equipment Needed

In today’s fast-paced world, busy professionals need to stay sharp, focused, and energized to tackle the day ahead. That’s why we’ve designed this quick and effective 5-minute core workout specifically tailored for busy executives like you. Strengthen your core, improve your posture, and boost your productivity with these targeted exercises that you can do right from your office or home. People always ask me what I do and assume I spend hours in the gym, but just like you I have a real job and don’t have time. The secret is that is not what it takes – it is about working smarter, not harder. So follow along with my 5 minute workout that you can do anytime, anywhere, in 10 simple moves.


Read more about the article How to Make New Year’s Resolutions You Actually Keep
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How to Make New Year’s Resolutions You Actually Keep

Every January, gyms across the world witness a surge in activity as individuals embark on their New Year’s Resolutions to get fit with determination and high spirits. However, by February, a staggering 80 percent of these resolutions fall by the wayside. The crowded gym floors of January become sparse, and the enthusiasm fades away. But fear not! This year, I came up with a key to for you to break the cycle that does not involve shilling out 2K for a piece of equipment that will eventually be a clothes hanger.


Read more about the article Your ChatGPT Guide to Calories and Macros
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Your ChatGPT Guide to Calories and Macros

In the ever-evolving landscape of health and nutrition, the role of artificial intelligence in shaping our understanding is increasingly prominent. In this new series, “Ask ChatGPT,” we will throw it right in the deep end with the debate of whether you should count calories or macros.


Read more about the article Enjoy Thanksgiving and Keep Your Fitness on Track
Photo by Pro Church Media

Enjoy Thanksgiving and Keep Your Fitness on Track

It’s official – travel for the holidays is back. About 70% of Americans said they have travel plans to travel for the holiday, Airport officials and industry analysts say passenger traffic for the Nov. 24 Thanksgiving holiday through New Year’s is set to reach or exceed 2019 levels.

This post updates the hottest tips for staying sane and healthy during Thanksgiving.



10 Ab exercises that won’t mess up your hair

Whether it’s a midday workout or a quick one before you hit the office, or your weekend activities, you might want to just zoom through a workout with as little “muss and fuss” as possible. For me, sometimes I have just gotten my hair done the day before, or maybe I don’t want to look like I have been rolling around on the floor just minutes ago. If you are working at home, you can do many of these between calls. If you only have 15 minutes to actually be in the gym you can easily do an amazing ab workout after a five minute brisk work or HIIT workout. (see my post here for a simple explanation of HIIT and how it is easily accessible)


Read more about the article Fasted Cardio for Best Results
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Fasted Cardio for Best Results

Fasted cardio has gained significant attention for its potential benefits in accelerating weight loss, but there is so much more to it. It can help jumpstart your morning, get your blood and creative juices flowing, and uplift your mood.


Read more about the article When Your Jeans Feel Tight: A How-to-Deal Guide
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When Your Jeans Feel Tight: A How-to-Deal Guide

Have you ever taken a pair of jeans out of the closet you haven’t worn in a while? There is already an inner battle in my head when I do. Should I try them on? What if they don’t fit? What if I’ve gained weight? How did they fit the last time I wore them?

Now you shimmy them on. You might already be on the struggle bus in the shimmy process. Or you might get them all the way up but they don’t quite zip. Or they might zip, but that’s only a technicality. It zips but doesn’t quite fit.

In my day job, I like developing a “mode of analysis” for all my projects and issues I handle. So here is the DAOFitLife “Mode of Analysis” for your tight-jean issue. Step by step, with decisions along the way that you make based on what you feel is right for you!


pair of white sneakers beside vacuum cleaner
Photo by No Revisions

Spring Cleaning: The Sneaky Workout You Didn’t Know You Needed

Spring cleaning may not be the most exciting task on your to-do list, but it can actually be a sneaky way to get a workout in. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy we burn during our daily activities, and cleaning and organizing your home can be a great way to boost NEAT and burn some extra calories. In this article, we’ll explore some common spring cleaning tasks and how many calories they can burn per hour, as well as tips on how to tackle cleaning out and organizing your closets and kitchen cabinets.


Read more about the article How to Get Toned Arms for Summer – Starting Now

How to Get Toned Arms for Summer – Starting Now

Spring is here,  and it’s time to start thinking about getting those arms ready for tank tops, sundresses, and other warm-weather attire. Whether you’re looking to tone up, build muscle, or just feel more confident in your own skin, there are plenty of ways to get nice arms for spring.

Here are some tips to help you achieve your goals. It might be only spring but it generally takes about 8 weeks to notice a difference when you start a new training program. Be patient, and follow along!


Read more about the article How to Stay Fit Over Spring Break
Photo Credit: Jongjit Wongsrikasem

How to Stay Fit Over Spring Break

Spring break is a time to let loose and enjoy yourself, but it doesn't have to come at the expense of your health and fitness goals. Whether you're planning a tropical getaway, a visit to an amusement park, a camping trip, or a fancy international vacation, there are plenty of…

Read more about the article What Would Jesus Eat? Where Food and Faith Collide
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What Would Jesus Eat? Where Food and Faith Collide

In 1 Corinthians 10:31, it says, “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 

So how do food and faith collide? Whether you follow a certain religion or just are one with the universe, food and how you treat your body with it can have a powerful role on your spiritual life. In this season of Lent, I was curious about how something so innate to our body survival – food – can connect with faith – which for those of us who follow one, is a way of feeding our souls.


Read more about the article Live well in 2023: The DAOFitLife Glow Up Guide
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Live well in 2023: The DAOFitLife Glow Up Guide

It’s a new year and a new start, which means it’s the perfect time to focus on yourself and make some positive changes. One way to do this is to “glow up,” or make improvements to your physical and mental well-being. You can “glow up” in many ways, and a lot of it is bigger than what you see on the outside. A true “glow up” is an inside AND outside job. 

Here are some tips on how to glow up this January.


a woman is doing push ups on a blue mat
Photo by Minna Lim

Exactly how to do stealth workouts in the middle of the day

The Wall Street Journal had a recent article, “Why Working Out During the Workday Is the Ultimate Power Move”. The article has an interview of CEOs who humblebrag about being able to disappear for two hours unaccounted for to do sets at the gym. This is the exact kind of messaging that makes the rest of us think that we have to be some big wig to “get away” with midday workouts. 

I beg to differ. I have been doing mid-day workouts for years – when I was an on the clock government worker, as a junior associate at a law firm, and now as a director at a Big 4. The secret is knowing exactly what you will do and exactly how you will do it. And being PREPARED. You may not be the CEO of a company, but you should be the CEO of your own body. 


Read more about the article My “Opposite” New Year’s Exercise Resoluton
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My “Opposite” New Year’s Exercise Resoluton

Many New Year’s resolutions involve quitting. Quitting drinking, quitting smoking, quitting sugar, Or starting some big challenge – mainly involving working out. We see the gyms and workout studios fill up with determined people who may have been in a holiday cookie blur but could be mistaken for ironman training competitors. So hardcore and leaving no space on cardio machines, workout classes and you can forget the bench press. You may go to a yoga class and experience namaste or a foot in your face. 

The hard and simple truth: You can’t outrun, outdance, outkickbox, or outnamaste a bad diet. And I am looking to partially prove that and some other things by my 2023 New Year’s Resolution.


Whatever you write down will fade by February. So do something different, now. Photo by Tim Mossholder

New Year’s Resolutions for People With Real Jobs

  – and sustain it.  If resolutions are not sustainable, then what IS sustainable? Changing your daily HABITS is a sustainable way to make lifelong differences. That is because you are working with what you are already doing every single day - making decisions. Every single habit we have is…

Read more about the article 7 Tips to Stay fit during holiday parties
Photo by By VadimGuzhva @ Adobe Sock

7 Tips to Stay fit during holiday parties

Why you should care about fitness while you part-ay It's easy to forget yourself during all the fun and excitement of the holidays. That in addition to the friends and family events can leave you stressed out, rushed, and willing to pause and let your fitness routine fall by the…

Read more about the article Level up your workout game
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Level up your workout game

It is time to level up your workout game. But you have to start somewhere. And that’s what you will learn here whether you are at ground zero or reaching for that next rung of the ladder.


Read more about the article Cardio v. Weights Decision Tree
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Cardio v. Weights Decision Tree

It is the debate that has rocked the fitness world. When you want to level up, combining cardio and weights is ideal. But when you do go for that combo, what do you do first? The answer can make a difference in how quickly you level up your fitness game.


Read more about the article The Hardest Workout in the World: A Guide to Barry’s Bootcamp
Literally, the room is this color. At the Washington DC Dupont Circle Barrys.

The Hardest Workout in the World: A Guide to Barry’s Bootcamp

It’s a workout that has attracted the biggest celebrities and gained a reputation as THE place to be if you want to push yourself to the limits. As most global brands do, it started with a crazy dream. Barry Jay founded this fitness craze together with his partners in West Hollywood in 1998 and has since opened dozens of studios in 15 states and 15 countries (including Norway, the UAE and Qatar). It has attracted celebrities like Jessica Alba and Jake Gyllenhaal, David Beckham, Adriana Lima, and Harry Styles (who was rumored to have been recently in the DC Studio – unconfirmed)

Barry’s can be summed up as this: a red room, blasting music, a motivating instructor, and everyone going so hard you would think it’s the Hunger Games.

The DAOFitLIfe Guide to Barry’s follows (note: all views are my own opinion and not supported by any outside organization).



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