Read more about the article Healthy Easter Candy: Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth Without Compromising Your Health
Photo by Tim Gouw

Healthy Easter Candy: Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth Without Compromising Your Health

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  • Post category:DietsTools
  • Reading time:6 mins read

As Easter approaches, it can be challenging to resist the temptation of indulging in sugary treats. Especially if you have kids and Easter baskets to fill. But even without, there are aisles of colorful candies in every store, office candy bowls, and commercials witth the clucking bunny.


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Read more about the article The 5 Biggest Myths About Strength Training, Busted
Atractive fit woman works out with dumbbells as a fitness conceptual over dark background.

The 5 Biggest Myths About Strength Training, Busted

“You don’t need to do cardio if you lift weights!” “Weights will make women bulky.” “You have to lift heavy to see your body change.”

Ever since bros have been lifting, there has been “broscience.” A classic way to spot one of these broscientists is the guy walking around the gym with a protein shake and a brightly colored pre-workout drink. And he may also be sporting a bag of trolli gummi worms, because it’s “chest day.”

A lot of the myths surrounding strength training make it more of an intimidating world to approach. How can you dedicate hours of extra time a day to doing sets when you can barely tear yourself away from that spreadsheet?

Here are 5 common beliefs about strength training and how to keep your busy schedule without having to become a “bro” parked in the gym for hours.


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Read more about the article DAOFitLife Hotlist: Top 10 special edition
"The road to happiness is not a path you find but a trail you blaze." -- Robert Brault. Photo by Denise Jones

DAOFitLife Hotlist: Top 10 special edition

In this week’s hotlist, since it is our one year anniversay issue, we thought it would be fun to highlight our favorite things along with our favorite posts! So here are the 10 things that we view as a guarantee to motivate, inspire, and just make you feel good!


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