Read more about the article Increase Your Energy Without Caffeine
Side view of professional climber female at the rock climbing wall at the gym. Light background with copyspace

Increase Your Energy Without Caffeine

As you can tell by the other posts on this site, we highly endorse caffeine as a way to aid energy levels and focus. But there are other non-caffeinated ways you can increase your energy which can either substitute for caffeine or act like an accelerant to that caffeine buzz. Let’s dive in.


Read more about the article Best Energy Drinks: The DAOFitLife Guide
MicroOne @ Adobe Stock

Best Energy Drinks: The DAOFitLife Guide

When it comes to boosting your energy levels, there are a plethora of options on the market. From classic favorites to new contenders, here’s a rundown of some of the best energy drinks available today, including Red Bull, Alani Nu, Bang, Ghost, and Celsius.

With of course the caveat that caffeine content is a highly important and individual health consideration, the great thing about energy drinks are that they 1) are way less calories than a latte ; 2) are super tasty; 3) can give you a boost for exercise in the heat.


Read more about the article Anxiety is an Asset, Here’s Why
Nuthawut @ Adobe Stock

Anxiety is an Asset, Here’s Why

Anxiety is often equated with kryptonite. We don’t want to experience it, we try to minimize it. Being ‘stressed out’ is equated with weakness. Adjectives used to describe the feeling reinforce that narrative: overwhelmed, fearful, worried, high-strung.

But what if the narrative could be different? In this article, we will explore why the anxiety you feel could be channeled into one of your biggest assets.


Read more about the article How to Maximize Your Massage
Jacob Lund @ Adobe Stock

How to Maximize Your Massage

Getting a massage can be relaxing, but it can also take up precious time and be really expensive. You can rarely get away without paying at least $150, if not $200, for a high-quality massage—and that’s even before the tip. Here are some do’s and don’ts to ensure your massage is worth both your time and money.


Read more about the article Is there such a thing as natural Ozempic?
Iryna @ Adobe Stock

Is there such a thing as natural Ozempic?

One in EIGHT Americans have tried some type of weight loss drug, according to a recent Bloomberg article. For about 1000 dollars a month, that is hardly affordable. But what if there was a natural alternative? According to the below video that I came across in my inevitable weekend YouTube rabbit-hole digging, there are natural foods and supplements that produce the magic hormone that also suppresses appetite in Ozempic. Let’s dive in and see what the claims say.


Read more about the article Best Protein Bars When You Are On the Go
Vikivector@Adobe Stock

Best Protein Bars When You Are On the Go

We are constantly lectured to eat whole foods and have sit-down meals. But with our busy schedules, sometimes that just isn’t possible. You can’t always get organic veggies on the go when you are traveling. Have you ever tried to stuff kale in your Gucci sling?

Sometimes you may be stuck in meetings for hours without enough time to sit down and eat. Or you may be traveling and stuck in the middle of nowhere with no readily accessible healthy eats. So you need to know the best realistic alternative: protein bars. This post compares the best protein bars you can have as a backup.


Read more about the article Unlocking Wellness: The A-List Guide to Cupping Therapy
Dmitri Kohn @ Adobe Stock

Unlocking Wellness: The A-List Guide to Cupping Therapy

In the realm of wellness practices, cupping has transcended its ancient origins to become the darling of celebrities and athletes alike. From Gwenyth Paltrow’s Goop empire to Michael Phelps’ toned physique, cupping has graced the limelight, leaving curious souls wondering what the fuss is all about.

Cupping is not just for celebs! I have been “cupping” for years. This is one of the top ways I find to destress and relax, plus relieve the inevitable shoulder and neck tension that comes with a stressful job. 

Let’s take a dive into this ancient therapeutic art, exploring its origins, the experience, and the multitude of benefits it offers.


Read more about the article Mean Girls Tactics: How to Get More Respect
Alena Yakusheva

Mean Girls Tactics: How to Get More Respect

This weekend I saw the “Mean Girls” movie in Georgetown. The theater was packed with large groups of women AND girls, Gen Zers through Gen Xers excited to relive the magic that was “so fetch” in 2004. I have seen the original Mean Girls movie probably upwards of 10 times. I know almost every line and the timing. This is probably why I was let down. There is just no way the acting in this movie had a standing chance against the pure gold of the original Plastics. And this is why: because they missed the whole originality of how the Plastics were really “Mean.” Based on what I heard in the restroom stalls afterwards, I know I was not alone. And so illustrates my point. The best secrets are always in the stalls. I’ve known that since 9th grade. And I have seen “mean” firsthand. This article (which is just for entertainment) examines how old-school mean worked and how some of those strategies can actually benefit you if used in a non-malicious way.


Read more about the article Escape the Free Food Trap Part II: The Office
Walter @ Adobe Stock

Escape the Free Food Trap Part II: The Office

One of the many perks of working in an office environment is the abundance of free food. From stocked kitchens and holiday treats to cookies, candy dishes, lunches, bagels, and doughnuts, the workplace often becomes a culinary playground. While these offerings can bring joy and foster a sense of community, they can also pose challenges for those striving to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. In this guide, we’ll explore strategies to navigate the office food scene without compromising your well-being.


green leafed plant
Dirty fasting can allow liquids like green juices throughout the day. Photo by Devin Avery

Dirty Fasting: How to Make it Work for You

In recent years, fasting has gained immense popularity for its potential health benefits, including weight loss, improved metabolic health, and enhanced mental clarity. Traditional fasting methods often involve abstaining from all calorie intake for extended periods, which can be quite challenging for many people. However, there’s a new and less restrictive approach on the block: dirty fasting. In dirty fasting, you primarily consume liquids until late in the day, providing you with more energy and flexibility than traditional fasting methods. This article explores the concept of dirty fasting, its potential benefits, and why it may be a more attainable fasting approach, as it was for me.


Read more about the article Enjoy Thanksgiving and Keep Your Fitness on Track
Photo by Pro Church Media

Enjoy Thanksgiving and Keep Your Fitness on Track

It’s official – travel for the holidays is back. About 70% of Americans said they have travel plans to travel for the holiday, Airport officials and industry analysts say passenger traffic for the Nov. 24 Thanksgiving holiday through New Year’s is set to reach or exceed 2019 levels.

This post updates the hottest tips for staying sane and healthy during Thanksgiving.


Read more about the article Your Low-Cal Guide to Summer Starbucks Drinks
MelissaMN @ Adobe Stock

Your Low-Cal Guide to Summer Starbucks Drinks

You know it’s summer when you start seeing pictures of the frothy, creamy, colorful Starbucks drinks pop up on the menu. 

What you might not know is that many of these favorites, even when not supersized, are the calorie and sugar equivalent of a large candy bar. And have far in excess of the recommended sugar intake sometimes on a daily basis. While following my 80-20 approach can definitely leave room for an indulgent Starbucks drink as is, regular consumption of these “empty calories” will not only add up but will leave you unsatisfied, as there is no significant amount of protein, fiber, or fat in any of them.

But you don’t have to be left out in the heat. You can have your cake and eat it too on the reg. Here’s how.


pair of white sneakers beside vacuum cleaner
Photo by No Revisions

Spring Cleaning: The Sneaky Workout You Didn’t Know You Needed

Spring cleaning may not be the most exciting task on your to-do list, but it can actually be a sneaky way to get a workout in. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy we burn during our daily activities, and cleaning and organizing your home can be a great way to boost NEAT and burn some extra calories. In this article, we’ll explore some common spring cleaning tasks and how many calories they can burn per hour, as well as tips on how to tackle cleaning out and organizing your closets and kitchen cabinets.


Read more about the article The Rise of Gua Sha: How a Traditional Practice is Revolutionizing Western Skincare
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The Rise of Gua Sha: How a Traditional Practice is Revolutionizing Western Skincare

You probably have seen it on some form of social media – women rolling odd shaped jade tools over their faces. This practice of gua sha is centuries old, but it has resurfaces as a way to decrease puffiness and act as a “natural botox”.

But is it really that magical? Here is what you need to know and my experience. As an initial reaction, I found that a regular gua sha practice was so much more than skincare. It helped relieve tension in my jaw, forehead, and sinus pressure. So read on if you have any of these issues especially at your job! This is now part of my daily routine – rise, wash face, coffee, lemon water, meditate, and gua sha. By the end of this five minute routine, I feel like a million bucks and ready to face the world!


Read more about the article A Million Little Tabs – How to Stop the Tab Madness and be Productive Again
Don't tear your hair out! Read this instead. Photo by denis_vermenko @Adobe

A Million Little Tabs – How to Stop the Tab Madness and be Productive Again

Is your daily life consumed by jumping from one tab to another? Do you constantly lose track of what you are working on and find yourself staring blankly at a row of open tabs? Have you ever opened a tab for an article you are interested in reading, knowing deep down you realistically will never read it but it just makes you feel better to have the tab open? Do you multitask during calls, clicking through different tabs and then totally have to make someone repeat a question?

We have ALL been there. Modern corporate culture has a twisted, tab-hoarding problem that is draining our productivity. So how can we take it back?


Read more about the article Your Sweaty, Handcuffed Wrist Demands You Read This
Parten @ Adobe Stock

Your Sweaty, Handcuffed Wrist Demands You Read This

I have not worn a wearable fitness device in years. I have no idea exactly how many hours I have slept, what my resting heart rate is, how many calories I burned at SoulCycle, or how many steps I made each day. In this case, ignorance is truly bliss. And more evidence is starting to show that it is worth considering whether these devices actually are really improving our overall health – including mental health.


Read more about the article Do you want to be sad, or skinny?
Do you have to choose between being sad or skinny? Read on to find out what your options are. terovesalainen @ Adobe Stock

Do you want to be sad, or skinny?

 Would you rather be sad, or skinny? Would you rather be fat and happy, or thin and sad? These are questions that magazines are actually asking mostly women about the fact that treating depression and anxiety would some forms of medication could potentially cause weight gain

The articles featured in Vice and Self magazine echo a deeper sense of self- conflict about mental health – at what cost do we pursue our well-being and happiness? For some this can mean taking prescribed medication, which can lead to intended and unintended consequence. And one of the biggest ones whispered about in anonymous forums is this: weight gain.


woman wearing blue-framed cat-eye sunglasses with body of water background
She has the "turtle" down. You will be an expert too! Photo by Tamara Bellis

How to Look Amazing in Photographs

According to the Smithsonian Magazine, the world’s first selfie was taken in 1839 by Robert Corneulius, an amateur chemist and photography enthusiast, in the back of the family store in Philadelphia.

Whether you remember taking rolls of film to the drugstore or only have ever taken pictures with a Smartphone, photos define our lives – our headshots invite potential employers and connections on LinkedIn, and we capture real life moments on vacations, with friends and family in real time.



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