When it comes to boosting your energy levels, there are a plethora of options on the market. From classic favorites to new contenders, here’s a rundown of some of the best energy drinks available today, including Red Bull, Alani Nu, Bang, Ghost, and Celsius.
With of course the caveat that caffeine content is a highly important and individual health consideration, the great thing about energy drinks are that they 1) are way less calories than a latte (usually only about 5-10 per can) ; 2) are super tasty; 3) can give you a boost for exercise in the heat.
Here is DAOFitLife’s Top 5 Energy Drink recommendations. Note all of these brands have minimal to no sugar, so if you still want to shop around, make sure you read the label (as per the DAOFitLife guide here) so you don’t inhale a lot of calories.