You are currently viewing Week 3 – The DAOFitlife Meal and Exercise Plan
Banana and coconut are a great energizing combo, especially when you need a little pick me up during daylight savings week. Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis

Week 3 – The DAOFitlife Meal and Exercise Plan

On a weekly basis I update my meal and exercise plan google sheets so you can see real time what I eat, drink, and how I move. You can download the templates and customize them for your own meals and workouts. And I have a rolling update of my fast and simple recipes HERE. This week, I feature my Salad Cream and Banana Bread Bowl Recipes.

Tips of the week

  1. It’s Daylight savings week, so take it easy. This is why I am deloading this week with only walking and light yoga/precision training. If you are struggling, read my post on how to deal here.
  2. Amp up your water intake this week. Drink at least 2 liters a day, and 24 ounces in the morning before you have coffee. (Make coffee the reward). This ensures you have a “jump” on being hydrated before you get busy and forget to drink water.
  3. Focus on sleep, especially going to sleep earlier. Power down electronics at least 2 hours before bed; keep them in anoher room if you have to.
  4. New discovery of the week: Lingonberries! Apparently these are an anti-aging wonder. So I schepped to the market and got Lingonberry Jam. I also discovered GG’s Scandinavian crisbread, which is a low-carb, high fiber version of super crispy toast. I don’t know about you but I feel so much more satisfied when I eat something with a crunch-crunch sound. Having crispy toast, nut butter and jam reminded me of my breakfast before school, and took me to a happy (healthy) place. Which I needed this week!

DAOFitlife Meal Plan – Week 3

Customizable DAOFitlife Meal Plan and Grocery List Links

DAOFitlife Exercise Plan – Week 3

Exercise Template Links

Meal Plan Update

This week I am moving off of the 5:2 intermittent fasting cycle, which is typically meant to only last a few weeks (you can read more in my intermittent fasting post here). On Sunday, as I am writing this, I have a funky meal schedule because of daylight savings, but I am going to try to readjust to eating three meals and 1 snack a day, incluiding breakfast after a 12-hour overnight fast. My goal is to increase my protein to at least 130 g a day. Mainly I will be structuring carbs around my workout – just like the advice I give in the Bride Guide. That doesn’t have to be just for brides – think of it as a “get spring fit” routine.

Exercise plan update

For my yoga classes, I will be doing a restorative hip opening series called “fluid flexibility flows” on the Alo Yoga app, This is a restorative series focused on flexibility. I have fel a lot of tightness in my hips and hamstrings lately, and this week, coupled with the fact that it is daylight savings, is a good time for a de-load week. Find out more about deloading and how to use it in my daylight savings post here.

You cab read a review of Alo and other yoga apps in this post:

Best apps for yoga, barre, and pilates

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