Read more about the article The Bride Guide to Getting Fit
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The Bride Guide to Getting Fit

After much delay, we finally have brides to be that can actually have their weddings. Including my friend Chirstina, who delayed her May 2020 wedding by a year. She callled me in a panic last weekend with this. “I gained eight pounds!” 

By her wedding day, after following my bride guide formula, she fit comfortably in her dress. The most difficult challenge can often be if you don’t have that much weight to lose, since the body burns fewer calories at a smaller weight.

If your wedding is coming up, or if you just got engaged and want to look amazing on your wedding day, you are in the right place. I have been through the trenches of training and adjusting diet for the big day. Especially losing the weight you inevitably gain when you fall in love. Why is that? Decadent dinners, wine, ordering pizza with your boo while Netflixing. And then the rude awakening – a looming wedding and all the baggage it comes with.


Read more about the article The DAO of strength training
A key tip about strength training: Don't ignore your back. Photo by anonymous

The DAO of strength training

It is really hard, if not impossible, to make noticeable changes to your body without incorporating strength training. Most people shy away from it or do it wrong. In this post, I will share what I learned from training with numerous top-tier trainers over the years. What is strength training?…

woman in gray long sleeve shirt and black pants sitting on wooden floor
Even if all you have time for is to stretch, you are moving and sculpting your body. Photo by Alex Shaw

The DAO of finding time to work out (and yes you can)

Time is the biggest barrier to working out that I see for people who have crazy busy jobs. We simply don’t have it. And we certainly don’t have the luxury of spending hours in the gym. I get that, and I am here to help you. I have hacks where you can not only fit workouts into your day, but also fit workouts into your work.


woman lifting black and gray barbell
Photo by Gursimrat Ganda

Best Strength Training Apps

As part of a comprehensive fitness routine, strength training is important to keep that balance with cardio. It isn’t one over the other – in my experience, they are both necessary. There is something powerful about lifting and moving your body in ways you never thought possible. That extra testosterone boosts confidence, both in and outside the gym.


Read more about the article Week 1 – The DAOFitlife Meal and Exercise Plan
Photo by anonymous @Equinox

Week 1 – The DAOFitlife Meal and Exercise Plan

As part of this series, in the interest of full transparency AND possibly giving you some great ideas, I will provide a tracker of all my meals and workouts for the week. Each week, a new exercise and meal plan will be published. I keep a repository of recipes HERE. DAOFitlife Meal…

person wearing orange and gray Nike shoes walking on gray concrete stairs
Even running up and down the steps can qualify as HIIT training. You don't need equipment to get your heart racing. Photo by Bruno Nascimento


HIIT (High intensity interval training) is an important ingredient in your cardio soup. It is an excellent fat burner, and has an after-burn effect of raising your metabolism and burning more overall calories during the day. Plus. challenges your agility, and makes you feel, well, superhuman! Cardio, as I explain…

woman in red tank top and black leggings doing yoga
The world is now your gym. Photo by Big Dodzy

How to stay fit in a COVID world

The “new normal”.  Our worlds, once so big, have gotten very small. It’s almost the one year anniversary – the worst.anniversary.ever.

Gyms and workout studios are closed (or closed, reopened, closed and kind of reopened).  Peloton sales have gone UP.  App sales have gone through the roof – the fitness industry, besides the toilet paper industry, is a real winner in these “uncertain times”.

There also have been winners and losers in the fitness sphere on the consumer side. I hear binary feedback from my audience – either they got in the best shape of their lives, or suffered from the “COVID 19” weight gain.

There is still time to change your fate.


woman in purple crew neck t-shirt and black shorts sitting on white floor
You can clip into both bikes - but there is so much more to consider, including the apps that attach to them. Photo by Munbaik Cycling Clothing

The Battle of the Bike-related apps: Peloton vs. SoulCycle/Equinox

Yeah, I am going there. I feel like I have a fiduciary duty to my corporate audience to do so. So here we go: how do we finally settle the battle of the at-home workout between Peloton and SoulCycle? As you will find out, it’s really about the Peloton v Equinox brands, as well.

Also, note that Peloton and SoulCycle are not the only games in town. NordicTrack, a long-standing brand, is getting into the game with its iFit bike and treadmills. For the iFit bike experience, there is also a studio class experience, as well as simulated scenery rides, like Tour de France. Haven’t had a chance to check this out yet, but it’s worth mentioning. For now, we will mainly focus on the two frontrunners.


silhouette of man jumping on rocky mountain during sunset
A lot of powerwalking and running are recommended on these weight loss programs. Photo by Cameron Venti

Best fitness programs for overall weight loss

If you are looking to lose weight, cardio is a necessary part of the equation. Strength training alone will not cut it. Most of us need a structured program, for that, as well as the RIGHT type of cardio. So what is that? Read this to find out!


woman in gray leggings doing yoga
Both the Tone it Up and Jillian Michaels apps incorporate yoga-esque moves into their workouts. For many of the workouts, all you need is a yoga mat and your own bodyweight.

Toneitup v Jillian Michaels: Which live trainer app is better?

Both Jillian Michaels and Tone it up incorporate yoga-esque movements into their workouts. This ensures a comprehensive focus on mobility and strength.

woman on elliptical trainer
Both SWEAT and Fit Body recommend low intensity or "LISS" cardio several times a week to help burn more fat.

The SWEAT and Fit Body Apps

The SWEAT and FITBODY apps have a lot of similarities. Each has different qualities that can be appealing based on whether you value simplicity or more intensity.


Read more about the article Fitness App Decision Tree
Decision trees help make business decisions - why not fitness decisions?

Fitness App Decision Tree

Finding a good fitness app or program is like trying to boil the ocean. I have a decision tree to help. I know if you are the corporate type, you love these. So follow me down this logical and effective way to decide what app is not just “awesome” but awesome FOR WHO YOU ARE.



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