woman exercising indoors
Did you know crunches are one of the worst ways to get a six pack (and can even harm your spine)? Read on to find out how to get that definition safely. Photo by Jonathan Borba

The DAO of Abs*

So let me ask you some questions. How many articles do you see that say, get a six-pack in 30 days? How many people do you see on the stretch mats on the gym doing a bajillion crunches, or flailing around doing some painful looking twisting exercise. Are you that…

Read more about the article Week of June 23rd – DAOFitLife Meal and Exercise update (neck pain, pre-workouts, and salad ideas)
Galaxy says it's ok to take a week off! Your body can really use the recovery every few weeks.

Week of June 23rd – DAOFitLife Meal and Exercise update (neck pain, pre-workouts, and salad ideas)

Every week, I post a weekly roundup of new finds - recipes, shows, videos. Be sure to check out the DAOFitLife Youtube Playlist for a curateed list of fitness-related videos you can watch while doing cardio. RECIPES AVAILABLE HERE  Customizable DAOFitlife Meal Plan and Grocery List Links Customizable DAOFitlife Meal…

Read more about the article The DAO of group fitness classes
Me and my group dance class striking a fun pose afterwards.

The DAO of group fitness classes

As we come out of the COVID fog and start reintegrating back with our family, friends, and workplaces, the idea of returning to live fitness can seem extra. Now that we know there could be people spying on you in your house from your fitness devices, however, it could be…

Read more about the article Week of June 16 – DAOFitLife Meal and Exercise plan
Poke or grain bowls are perfect to order and have the leftovers in a wrap the next day!

Week of June 16 – DAOFitLife Meal and Exercise plan

This week, I have some new products to introduce! Plus, the beginning of my journey into a 5-day lifting routine. RECIPES AVAILABLE HERE (UPDATED FOR WEEK OF June 16) Customizable DAOFitlife Meal Plan and Grocery List Links– Week 15 Customizable DAOFitlife Meal Plan and Grocery List Template Google Sheet Downloadable DAOFitlife Meal…

pic of solidcore
The [solidcore] studio in the West End, Washington DC.

[solidcore] explained

Commonly referred to as “Pilates on Steroids,” [solidcore] is a cult favorite you may only hear of through word of mouth. This post explains [solidcore] – what to expect, how to get the best out of class, and why it’s become a must try workout.



Equinox Workout Class Reviews

This is your one-stop shop for Equinox class reviews. I will continually update this post. As someone who attends Equinox classes almost everyday, I am so enthusiastic to share this information with you. Equinox strength classes Athletic Conditioning Photo by LOGAN WEAVER Athletic conditioning is a full body workout using…

Read more about the article Week 13 – DAOFitlife Meal and Exercise Plan
A good way to get HIIT: Sled push.

Week 13 – DAOFitlife Meal and Exercise Plan

This week I am focusing on split training that is the type of training where you focus on certain muscle groups at a time as opposed to doing full body strength training. The advantage of this type of training is also that it decreases the amount of total training time. So, for example, when you do a split with upper body lower body push and pull you can be in and out of the gym in about half an hour including the warm-up. And that makes things really efficient during work “busy seasons”, which we are all familiar. In my role, every day is busy season but right now there is a heightened energy and rush which is like running a daily marathon. I am sure you can relate!


Read more about the article Week 11 – DAOFitlife Meal and Exercise Plan
A good choice at Italian restaurants for a main course is Branzino.

Week 11 – DAOFitlife Meal and Exercise Plan

Here is my weekly update of my meal and exercise plan. First, here is a roadmap of all the documents I update. Ideally you will want to use a personal gmail account to access the google sheets. Otherwise, you can also download the documents in PDF or excel format if…

Soul Comparison
In SoulCycle Santa Monica in 2014, and in SoulCycle Union Square in Washinhton, DC, in 2021.

Put up a parking lot…for your Soul

What my first post-pandemic SoulCycle class was like Pre-pandemic Soul journey My experience at my first post-pandemic live SoulCycle class was one for the history books. I was under a tent. In a gravel parking lot. with no mirrors, candles, or darkness. But I still had a blast. Eight years…

Read more about the article How to get Michelle Obama arms
Photo courtesy of Shutterfly

How to get Michelle Obama arms

The weather is already summer like in many places on the east coast. And we all know what that means. Lighter clothing, particularly in the upper body area. Thanks to former First Lady Michelle Obama, it is now acceptable to show some bicep. Her arms weren’t just on display for…

Read more about the article Week 10- DAOFitlife Meal and Exercise Plan
Taking progress pictures can help you stay on track. To the left: me at Equinox pre-pandemic; and then post-pandemic in May 2021. Notice how the exact same locker room changed, too!

Week 10- DAOFitlife Meal and Exercise Plan

Here is my weekly update on my meals, exercise, and recipes. RECIPES AVAILABLE HERE (UPDATED FOR WEEK OF MAY 6) Customizable DAOFitlife Meal Plan and Grocery List Links- Week 10 Customizable DAOFitlife Meal Plan and Grocery List Template Google Sheet (updated for week 10)Downloadable DAOFitlife Meal Plan and Grocery List Template Excel…


Week 9 – DAOFitlife Meal and Exercise Plan

Week 9 of DAOFitlife meal and exercise plan has a few new twists. This week I have tweaked my diet in two ways:

I am starting to eat a little early breakfast before my workout. I do this by either eating a few bites of my oatmeal mix half an hour before my workout, or eating a date and a few nuts beforehand. A Medjool date is fairly big and good for a burst of instant energy. In my article on pre and post-workout nutrition, I outline the pros and cons of eating before the workout. I am going to as an experiment see how much my workouts actually benefit from eating a little beforehand.

The other major tweak to my diet has been NO SUGAR SUBSTITUTES. That means not just no artificial sweeteners, but also no “natural” zero sugar products like Stevia or Monk Fruit. This is purely a theory that I am testing, but I believe that these substances are robbing my body of energy I need from actual carbs and making me crave the sugar that I am not getting. In my post on protein bars, I rave about the “fake sugar” and its effect on our insulin sensitivity. Even though at first glance stevia and monk fruit may not have the same effect on insulin resistance, I believe that they are having a “sugar fake-out” effect on me.


Read more about the article Why Down Dog is now my favorite fitness app
This is the HIIT feature of down dog. There are more customizations you can make based on type of body workout you want (upper body, core, legs, back, etc.).

Why Down Dog is now my favorite fitness app

During the pandemic, I have probably tried free trials and paid for subscriptions of no less than 50 fitness apps. Yes, this was mostly research for the blog – mapped out in my Fitness app decision tree.

But it was well worth the investment, because after countless hours of planks, burpees, and squats, developing a decision tree, and slogging through unbearably annoying instructors and lots of freezing issues, I have done it. I have found the holy grail.


assorted-color pebble lot
We all know Easter eggs aren't just for kids! I plan to sugar detox during week 8. Photo by Tim Gouw

Week 8 – DAOFitlife Meal and Exercise Plan

Note: Please consult a physician before pursuit of any exercise or meal plan. This is solely intended as a meal and exercise diary, and is not prescriptive. T-1 month until I am a bridesmaid in a wedding. This is mainly post-Easter remorse, but I am doing a sugar detox -…

Read more about the article How to get back into running and best apps
The best thing about running is a running buddy, coworker, friend for life.

How to get back into running and best apps

Getting back into running isn't easy - and I know, because I am doing it. I haven't decided whether to sign up for a race, yet, but I am taking a slow approach to doing treadmill running and increasing my time/miles. Here's are some helpful tips if you, too, want…

two dogs lying on black textile
An hour long run doesn't mean you can lounge on the couch and eat chips the rest of the day!! Photo by Greg Lippert

Saboteur Series part IV: The Sedentary Athlete

Have you experienced starting an intense workout program, diligently sweating and working your butt off every day, and then gotten on the scale and seeing the number stay the same, or even go up? The Sedentary Athlete and Compensatory Eating saboteurs may be to blame. They go together like a couch and potato chips !


woman in green tank top and black leggings doing yoga on blue round trampoline
Photo by Gabin Vallet


Do you have a “love-hate” relationship with cardio? 

I DEFINITELY do. Let me count the ways.

On one hand, after a good run or spin class, you feel that “high.” The sweat is cathartic You are detoxed. That playlist you would never disclose publicly absolutely rocked.

On the other hand, it is time consuming. It can be boring. You can only queue up so much on the Netflix app. 

So the question is, are there any really good reasons to do cardio? Does it get you results? And what role does it play in weight management?


person sitting on top of gray rock overlooking mountain during daytime
One common denominator to naturally thin people: Being active. Photo by Denys Nevozhai

The secrets of being “naturally thin”

First of all, I am not talking about myself. I wish. I will be the first to admit I have to work hard to be fit. After a while, it becomes more effortless because the habits are so integrated into my day-to-day routine that I don't even give it a…

yellow banana fruit beside brown coconut fruit
Banana and coconut are a great energizing combo, especially when you need a little pick me up during daylight savings week. Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis

Week 3 – The DAOFitlife Meal and Exercise Plan

On a weekly basis I update my meal and exercise plan google sheets so you can see real time what I eat, drink, and how I move. You can download the templates and customize them for your own meals and workouts. And I have a rolling update of my fast and simple recipes HERE. This week, I feature my Salad Cream and Banana Bread Bowl Recipes.


Read more about the article The Bride Guide to Getting Fit
© alexandermorozov.com, All Rights Reserved, inquire by text +1-443-858-8743

The Bride Guide to Getting Fit

After much delay, we finally have brides to be that can actually have their weddings. Including my friend Chirstina, who delayed her May 2020 wedding by a year. She callled me in a panic last weekend with this. “I gained eight pounds!” 

By her wedding day, after following my bride guide formula, she fit comfortably in her dress. The most difficult challenge can often be if you don’t have that much weight to lose, since the body burns fewer calories at a smaller weight.

If your wedding is coming up, or if you just got engaged and want to look amazing on your wedding day, you are in the right place. I have been through the trenches of training and adjusting diet for the big day. Especially losing the weight you inevitably gain when you fall in love. Why is that? Decadent dinners, wine, ordering pizza with your boo while Netflixing. And then the rude awakening – a looming wedding and all the baggage it comes with.



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