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TRX is not a new currency - the equipment has been around since 2001 and like crypto was a pioneer of innovation. Photo by Quantitatives

The Best Full Body Workout

Is…. the TRX. It is not just a cryptocurrency. It is the currency of a shredded, next level body.

This post will explain the TRX and how you can use it to get next level results.

What IS a TRX?

A TRX workout is a full-body workout that is done at home or in the office with the help of TRX straps. It is also possible to use them as part of an outdoor workout, or even at home (I will provide resources on that, keep reading!)

The TRX suspension trainer has been used by professional athletes since 2001, but it wasn’t until 2009 when they were made available for public use. It was originally invented by a US Navy Seal, which guarantees that it is a good workout. On a mission to SouthEast Asia, he wanted to train his climbing muscles, and so an early version of the TRX evolved. After many fits and starts, it finally became an empire.

He did not start it that way and did not think it would lead to the success it had – famously, he said, “A winner is just a lower who tried one more time.”

Because of that “one more time,” a fantastic workout was born.

Photo by deepigoyal

Why is the TRX SO effective? 

First, it is so versatile. You can work every single muscle group, including multiple muscle groups at once. Because at least part of your body is suspended off of the floor or the wall, you are working against gravity big time. This forces your body to adapt. You have to engage your back, your arms, your legs, and your core so that you don’t fall over. And you won’t have to worry about that, because you still will be holding onto something. 

Is TRX Good for Beginners?

Absolutely! In fact, this is where trainers usually start with new clients on these, because they do not require any additional weigh-bearing equipment. You can customize the angle to your level of difficulty. It is basic geometry and physics – the wider the angle away from the wall, the more mass (your body weight) that will be pulled down by gravity. So to start, keep cloer to the wall and progress as you feel stronger.

Where can I get a TRX?

The TRX will usually be up against a wall at your local gym. There are even TRX classes at gyms like Equinox, and in bootcamp classes like Orange Theory (see my post here for more on OT).

Could I use a TRX at Home?

Luckily for those who like home workouts, you can order the whole system to install in your home workout space on the TRX training site. It includes a wall mount and the straps. If you do not want to bolt anything to your wall, there is an option with a detachable door mount. These are a range of options available at the TRX site, at different price ranges. You can even get a bungee version to take with you to the park or when you are traveling.

Here are my top TRX exercises, which I will illustrate:

The tricep extension 

@Equinox Hudson Yards

Triceps are so hard to specifically target, but nothing gets mine in shape like these exercises because of the fact that you are leaning forward so your whole body weight is essentially being supported by your triceps. Plus, it works your core! You can also turn around and do bicep curls, alternating back and forth because it works different muscle groups. Here is what a bicep curl would look like.

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As I said in my post on abs, the key to a good ab exercise is some kind of suspension. This exercise allows you to achieve that while also working your arms, legs and chest. 

There is also a HIIT and cardio element to TRX. This suspended jackknife exercise can really raise your heartrate. Similar TRX exercises that also have a a HIIT component include squat jumps and lunge jumps like so:

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The possibilities for cardio and strength training are endless with a TRX.

The row

@Equinox Sports Club DC

This is probably the simplest of exercise to start with, because you have to just grab the handles and lean back, then row. You can adjust the angle given your skill level. If you are super strong in the upper body, you can walk all the way down so you are perpendicular to the TRX. Or you could just stick with a 45 degree angle like pictured here 

The Chest Fly

@Equinox Anthem Row

This also doubles as a great core exercise, because in this position the rope is not enough to keep you from tipping forward. You have to engage your upper and lower abs, and your glutes. The more you lean forward, the harder the exercise is because of the pull of gravity.

The Squat

@Equinox Anthem Row

TRX Workout Guides

Here is a full TRX follow at home workout. You can scan the QR code to open it directly on YouTube

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You can also check out this article from Greatist, with 44 different workout options.

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