Here’s what HOT this week in the fitness world.
Are Hydration Needs Different in the Winter? (Runner’s World) – Just because the mercury drops and you may not feel as thirsty the same way, does not mean that you can’t get dehydrated. Ufff, how deceiving! Stay hydrated, y’all.
Drills for Proper Running Form (Training Peaks) – It is nice to have a good refresher on some running drills to make the most of it out there on the road + it makes you feel like rockstar!
Fit+On x Re- Spin App – If you follow Halle Berry on Instagram, you know that she and her trainer have a series called “Fitness Friday” for the 2+ years and it always looks pretty intriguing. She seems to have a ‘real’ approach to fitness the celebrity stratosphere versus the insanity of starvation and 6 hour workouts of others. She just launched a fitness app, so now I am curious…..
Your Coping Kit for another Pandemic Winter (The Lily) This is far, far more uplifting than the title reads and helps to keep a positive perspective on things in general. A lot of tips share a theme of renewal or a renewed vision on things and that it is never too late, pandemic and all, to take that approach.
Kaley Cuoco’s workout – (plus she loves roosters) (Hello! Magazine) – A combo of SoulCycle and yoga makes for a great toned body.

I’m obsessed with:
Snacklins: I thought Pop Chips could not be beat, but these babies have only 100 calories for a generous size bag, and even the big bag only has 300, plus they are made out of yuca root, mushrooms, and seasonings. I don’t know how they do it. They are also naturally curved, so easy to eat with salsa or cashew queso. I like the Teriyaki flavor the best!
Pumpkin spice creamer: Do you want to hear something RIDIC? A Starbucks TALL Pumpkin spice latte with almond milks is 180 calories, plus almost 30 grams of sugar. That’s nearly as much sugar as in a WHOLE bag of M&Ms. Instead, try getting an Americano and then adding your own Pumpkin spice creamer. My fave is this one from Califia farms, which is a blend of almond milk, pumpkin, cinnamon, and ginger flavors. It’s only 15 calories per tablespoon and 2g sugar so you could do a pretty generous pour and only have about 35 calories of beverage! It’s also surprisingly great to blend in with matcha tea powder and milk (just stick it in a blender, blend for a few seconds, then microwave and you have a foamy matcha pumpkin spice latte!). If you are a chai person, you can also have a great cuppa for a lot less calories than Starbucks with this Elmhurst creamer.
Here is a tip though if you are running around and don’t have creamers on you: Ask for 2 scoops instead of 4 of either the chai or pumpkin spice powder. The default is four, and that’s where all the calories and sugar come from because it is premixed.
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