How to Cure Tech Neck
Did you know looking down at your phone is like putting the weight of a bowling ball on your neck? Not to mention, when you add stress, your neck will tense up further. The way we sit in front of the computer and look at our devices means we are always looking down. Overt time this causes your head to move forward, and eventually throw off your neck alignment. This is known as “tech neck.” And this is beyond an annoyance. Over time, untreated neck issues can cause massive tissue damage and harm to the spine including slipped or herniated discs. The good news is, there are easy hacks and exercises you can do right now to ease the tension in your neck and cure the related headaches.
Here is your guide to cure tech neck AND get better posture below.
(more…)DAOFitLife Hot List: Summer Smoothies to Glow Up Before Fall
Smoothies, if done right, can be an excellent way to start the day or get through an afternoon slump. In fact, sometimes I have a smoothie as my lunch so I do not feel weighed down. Here are my top recipes with superfood ingredients that will energize you and slim you down.
(more…)How Exercising for Success is as Easy as 4-3-2-1
Finding time to exercise (see my earlier post) is half the battle. The other half is actually doing it. This is where we get struck by analysis paralysis. What workouts are the best for body goals – burning fat, maintaning muscle mass, and feeling great?
(more…)When I dip you dip: The 10 Best Low-Calorie Veggie Dips
Dipping veggies in tasty sauces has been an important factor in how I have been able to not only achieve, but maintain my weight. Let’s face it – when all is said and done, mainstream media and advertising content are showering us with temptation all day long. You cannot go about your normal day without having images of fried food shoved in your face. But you can outsmart the temptation and have your dip too.
(more…)8 Tips to Beat Travel Anxiety
Traveling is almost unbearably stressful – even if it is for vacation. Especially if it is for work and you have to be places on time. Ironically not traveling during the pandemic was taking a serious toll on our mental health. But now, traveling again is affecting our mental health in new and different ways.
Sleep deprivation, time pressure, lack of a regular food and exercise routines, and unavoidable delays are hallmarks of travel, even pre-pandemic. But now, there is definitely a more palpable pressure and it seems to boil over when you get to the airport. Even if you have your boarding pass prior, you have to figure out what to do with your checked luggage, where to go to verify your documentation, and then deal with security, having your bags taken aside for screening, and long, crazy lines. That is, if random storms and airline strikes do not cause your flight to cancel altogether. Airlines are making things a little bit easier by allowing you to upload test results and attestation forms beforehand, but it still is a big to-do to even get through airport security. And, if your last journey was like mine, you will sit on the tarmac for 3 hours because of some “missing paperwork.” Why is paperwork always such an issue – is that code for something else? Seems like an almost anachronistic reference, like isn’t everything in the cloud? Regardless, these delays can cause you stress especially if you have a connecting flight.
This current situation has turned up the travel stress to about 1000. But we need to keep on going – especially for business travel. So how do we deal with the stomach-gnawing anxiety and uphold our mental health? My tips follow – and they are the best ones, because I just tried them out on myself in real time.
(more…)The Best Full Body Workout
Is.... the TRX. It is not just a cryptocurrency. It is the currency of a shredded, next level body. This post will explain the TRX and how you can use…
The Best YouTube and Fitness Apps
As professionals on the go we often have to rely on the guidance of others to just be able to wake up and jump into a quick workout before we hit the shower and get ready to start the day. Or, we may be traveling and need something on the go when we do not have access to our home equipment or gym. Or it may be over 100 degrees outside and you need a good indoor workout in the comfort of your air conditioning and ability to be barefoot and in super comfy clothes.
Last year, I started a YouTube Channel and I realized this is a great way to curate and collect content just like I have been doing for the blog with all of the articles. I have made playlists for cardio, strength training, stretching and yoga.
Check out each link, or scan the QR code to open it on your own device. 90 percent of the workouts are NO equipment. For those workouts that do
(more…)Dry Shampoos: DAOFitLife Hotlist
Time vampires come in many shapes and forms. One of the biggest ones is washing your hair.
(more…)Watch these videos to get in shape this summer
In our 50th anniversary issue, we are looking back – at the best of times. Here are the top DAOFitLife YouTube videos you may have missed. I have included a QR code for each one in case you want to scan to your phone and listen on the go! For more videos, check out the DAOFitLife YouTube Channel (please like and subscribe!)
(more…)Look back, but don’t stare: why nostalgia benefits mental health
If you read my blog, you know I love to romanticize about the past. Throwback songs, styles, popular sayings and sitcoms are my jam. And a lot of people feel this way – especially after living through a pandemic, where reminiscing about a maskless, unfettered freedom in life may have kept some of us going. Lately I have been wondering – nostaligia good or bad? The research on this is surprising, so read on to find out where you should leave the past.
(more…)The DAOFitLife Hotlist: Best Throwback Dance Videos
The 50th anniversary issue throwback theme continues! I was at the gym recently and was listening to “Footloose” – a song that gets me flying on the treadmill. Then I thought, wouldn’t it be cool to see the music video while I listen to the song? And it was. So I set out to find the best dance music videos, or at least my top 5.
(more…)How to beat the bloat and feel fantasic – with VIDEO
Feeling bloated is so unfair. Even if it is not visible, it can feel like you are carrying around a rock. It can ruin social engagements. It can make you irritable and want to isolate.
(more…)The 10 best ab moves
It is summer and you know what that means. While you may be past the age of bare midriff tops, there is definitely a confidence that goes with having your best abs forward at the beach, pool, and in thinner fabrics at the office. So let’s start shredding.
(more…)DAOFitLife Hot List: Healthiest summer salad chains
It’s almost noon, and you are hungry? What are you going to get when it’s north of 80 degrees and climbing? A SALAD! And I have the perfect recommendations on what chains are the healthiest and how to order healthy so you can slide into the pool later.
(more…)How to get a great workout at the pool
Most pools opened after Memorial Day. Time to soak up the sun on the weekends at your house or condo complex. But did you know this is a great opportunity…
DAOFitLife Hotlist: Best Lunch Prep Ideas
We all are so crazed and running around during the day. Lunch is well, inconvenient. Now is a good time to refresh your lunch playlist with some very fast and…
The Best Hotel Gyms and How to Work Out in Them
What do you look for when you choose a hotel for travel? Thread count of the sheets? Size of the room? Enhanced Wi-fi availability? One thing you also need to…
The Ultimate Guide to Work Out In Your Hotel Room
Even if it is tiny, and even if you don’t have time. I am also including a challenge program I have started that you can follow along from home or while you are on the road!
(more…)The DAO of Deskercise
“I’m chained to my desk all day. I don’t have time to work out!”
So not true. Introducing the “DAO of Deskercise”. You can exercise right at your desk and burn hundreds of extra calories all day. And you can preempt later body aches and pains from tech neck, wrist tension, and lower back compression.
But how? Read on.
(more…)DAOFitLife Hotlist: The best apps for travel
Here is a list of all of the websites and apps I rely on when I travel