Best Strength Training Apps
Photo by Gursimrat Ganda

Best Strength Training Apps

As part of a comprehensive fitness routine, strength training is important to keep that balance with cardio. It isn’t one over the other – in my experience, they are both necessary. There is something powerful about lifting and moving your body in ways you never thought possible. That extra testosterone boosts confidence, both in and outside the gym.


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Even running up and down the steps can qualify as HIIT training. You don't need equipment to get your heart racing. Photo by Bruno Nascimento


HIIT (High intensity interval training) is an important ingredient in your cardio soup. It is an excellent fat burner, and has an after-burn effect of raising your metabolism and burning…

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How to stay fit in a COVID world
The world is now your gym. Photo by Big Dodzy

How to stay fit in a COVID world

The “new normal”.  Our worlds, once so big, have gotten very small. It’s almost the one year anniversary – the worst.anniversary.ever.

Gyms and workout studios are closed (or closed, reopened, closed and kind of reopened).  Peloton sales have gone UP.  App sales have gone through the roof – the fitness industry, besides the toilet paper industry, is a real winner in these “uncertain times”.

There also have been winners and losers in the fitness sphere on the consumer side. I hear binary feedback from my audience – either they got in the best shape of their lives, or suffered from the “COVID 19” weight gain.

There is still time to change your fate.


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Toneitup v Jillian Michaels: Which live trainer app is better?
Both the Tone it Up and Jillian Michaels apps incorporate yoga-esque moves into their workouts. For many of the workouts, all you need is a yoga mat and your own bodyweight.

Toneitup v Jillian Michaels: Which live trainer app is better?

Both Jillian Michaels and Tone it up incorporate yoga-esque movements into their workouts. This ensures a comprehensive focus on mobility and strength.

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Executive summary of blockbuster “Female Fitfluencer” apps 
How addicted you are to Insta could determine which app you choose! Photo by Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum

Executive summary of blockbuster “Female Fitfluencer” apps 

  • Post author:
  • Post category:AppsTools
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Celebrity female trainers with amazing bodies and huge followings are dominating the fitness app market. I am here to help you navigate them and find the right one for you.


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Fitness App Decision Tree
Decision trees help make business decisions - why not fitness decisions?

Fitness App Decision Tree

Finding a good fitness app or program is like trying to boil the ocean. I have a decision tree to help. I know if you are the corporate type, you love these. So follow me down this logical and effective way to decide what app is not just “awesome” but awesome FOR WHO YOU ARE.


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The DAO of crushing fitness while traveling

You guys, it is REALLY tricky writing a fitness blog during a pandemic, especially while there is a vaccine being circulated. Should I even bother to write a post about traveling, especially for work. The eternal optimist in me says, absolutely. We will fly again, both for business and for pleasure, sooner rather than later.


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