The DAO of finding time to work out (and yes you can)
Even if all you have time for is to stretch, you are moving and sculpting your body. Photo by Alex Shaw

The DAO of finding time to work out (and yes you can)

Time is the biggest barrier to working out that I see for people who have crazy busy jobs. We simply don’t have it. And we certainly don’t have the luxury of spending hours in the gym. I get that, and I am here to help you. I have hacks where you can not only fit workouts into your day, but also fit workouts into your work.


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Best Strength Training Apps
Photo by Gursimrat Ganda

Best Strength Training Apps

As part of a comprehensive fitness routine, strength training is important to keep that balance with cardio. It isn’t one over the other – in my experience, they are both necessary. There is something powerful about lifting and moving your body in ways you never thought possible. That extra testosterone boosts confidence, both in and outside the gym.


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Sabotage series part III – Put down that protein bar and listen up!
The vast majority of "healthy" protein bars are glorified Snickers. Photo by Joshua Fernandez

Sabotage series part III – Put down that protein bar and listen up!

The nutrition industry has definitely evolved. You can find protein bars in all different flavors – cinnamon bun, chocolate chip cookie dough, red velvet cake, chocolate brownie.  There are even protein COOKIES and protein BROWNIES and there is even high protein ice cream you can buy.  Go to any GNC and you will even see protein chips, popcorn, and the entire assortment of any flavor of protein bar. Plus, you can have protein powders in cool flavors like vanilla ice cream and strawberry cheesecake. What is not to love? A LOT.


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Even running up and down the steps can qualify as HIIT training. You don't need equipment to get your heart racing. Photo by Bruno Nascimento


HIIT (High intensity interval training) is an important ingredient in your cardio soup. It is an excellent fat burner, and has an after-burn effect of raising your metabolism and burning…

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How to stay fit in a COVID world
The world is now your gym. Photo by Big Dodzy

How to stay fit in a COVID world

The “new normal”.  Our worlds, once so big, have gotten very small. It’s almost the one year anniversary – the worst.anniversary.ever.

Gyms and workout studios are closed (or closed, reopened, closed and kind of reopened).  Peloton sales have gone UP.  App sales have gone through the roof – the fitness industry, besides the toilet paper industry, is a real winner in these “uncertain times”.

There also have been winners and losers in the fitness sphere on the consumer side. I hear binary feedback from my audience – either they got in the best shape of their lives, or suffered from the “COVID 19” weight gain.

There is still time to change your fate.


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Saboteur Series Part II – How to stop stress eating once and for all
Stress or hunger? How an apple can be the key to telling the difference. Photo by Matt Seymour

Saboteur Series Part II – How to stop stress eating once and for all

It’s not what you are eating, it’s what’s eating you! UPDATED WITH MORE JOURNAL OPTIONS.

I don’t have a Ph.D. in psychology, but I do have a Ph.D. in stress eating. And I know enough to know, a demanding and crazy job is certainly a contributing factor to ignite that reach for comfort food. So hear me out.


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Saboteur Series Part I: Condiment Caloriebombs
Learn about one of the most sneaky diet saboteurs you can't even see. Photo by Frank Zhang

Saboteur Series Part I: Condiment Caloriebombs

Condiments may not seem like a big deal, but think of it like debt. It’s not usually the principal (the meal) that drives people deep in debt. It’s the late fees (and the late fees on the late fees) and the interest (and the interest on the interest). Those represent the condiments that could put you well over your caloric budget, especially since they usually come out of bottles we squeeze and turn upside down with abandon.


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How to not get confused AF about what supplements to take
Have you ever been to a GNC or a Vitamin Shoppe and just ended up staring blankly at the walls of endless bottles? You don't even really know what you are looking for and you leave 300 dollars later feeling like you somehow didn't get what you needed.

How to not get confused AF about what supplements to take

Have you ever been to a GNC or a Vitamin Shoppe and just ended up staring blankly at the walls of endless bottles? You don’t even really know what you are looking for and you leave 300 dollars later feeling like you somehow didn’t get what you needed.


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How and why to do yoga, barre, and pilates
Photo taken by anonymous

How and why to do yoga, barre, and pilates

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  • Post category:AppsTools
  • Reading time:20 mins read

Before we get to the apps, let’s answer the question – are these optional or niche workouts?

Not if you want your body to truly change. Strength training and cardio do a lot, but they don’t work your core, balance or smaller precision muscles in the same way.

I used to be the biggest SNOB about yoga. “Oh, that’s’ for hippy dippy people who don’t want to do REAL workouts.”

Then I went to my first power yoga class, and collapsed after holding down dog for 10 seconds. This was a RESTING POSE???!!!

The point is, if you are not incorporating yoga as a regular component of your strength training routine, you are missing out on a cardio, strength, and all-over functional workout.

I did not notice significant changes in my body until I incorporated yoga and other types of “precision” training, like barre and Pilates into my routine. Even if you are a beginner to all of these forms of training, so is everyone you are taking the class with. And now, you have the luxury of having well-designed apps and youtube workouts geared towards a private workout in your own home.

This article will give some guidance on some of the best apps that are scalable by time and level.


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The Battle of the Bike-related apps: Peloton vs. SoulCycle/Equinox
You can clip into both bikes - but there is so much more to consider, including the apps that attach to them. Photo by Munbaik Cycling Clothing

The Battle of the Bike-related apps: Peloton vs. SoulCycle/Equinox

Yeah, I am going there. I feel like I have a fiduciary duty to my corporate audience to do so. So here we go: how do we finally settle the battle of the at-home workout between Peloton and SoulCycle? As you will find out, it’s really about the Peloton v Equinox brands, as well.

Also, note that Peloton and SoulCycle are not the only games in town. NordicTrack, a long-standing brand, is getting into the game with its iFit bike and treadmills. For the iFit bike experience, there is also a studio class experience, as well as simulated scenery rides, like Tour de France. Haven’t had a chance to check this out yet, but it’s worth mentioning. For now, we will mainly focus on the two frontrunners.


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Best fitness programs for overall weight loss
A lot of powerwalking and running are recommended on these weight loss programs. Photo by Cameron Venti

Best fitness programs for overall weight loss

If you are looking to lose weight, cardio is a necessary part of the equation. Strength training alone will not cut it. Most of us need a structured program, for that, as well as the RIGHT type of cardio. So what is that? Read this to find out!


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Toneitup v Jillian Michaels: Which live trainer app is better?
Both the Tone it Up and Jillian Michaels apps incorporate yoga-esque moves into their workouts. For many of the workouts, all you need is a yoga mat and your own bodyweight.

Toneitup v Jillian Michaels: Which live trainer app is better?

Both Jillian Michaels and Tone it up incorporate yoga-esque movements into their workouts. This ensures a comprehensive focus on mobility and strength.

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Executive summary of blockbuster “Female Fitfluencer” apps 
How addicted you are to Insta could determine which app you choose! Photo by Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum

Executive summary of blockbuster “Female Fitfluencer” apps 

  • Post author:
  • Post category:AppsTools
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Celebrity female trainers with amazing bodies and huge followings are dominating the fitness app market. I am here to help you navigate them and find the right one for you.


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Fitness App Decision Tree
Decision trees help make business decisions - why not fitness decisions?

Fitness App Decision Tree

Finding a good fitness app or program is like trying to boil the ocean. I have a decision tree to help. I know if you are the corporate type, you love these. So follow me down this logical and effective way to decide what app is not just “awesome” but awesome FOR WHO YOU ARE.


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The DAO of crushing fitness while traveling

You guys, it is REALLY tricky writing a fitness blog during a pandemic, especially while there is a vaccine being circulated. Should I even bother to write a post about traveling, especially for work. The eternal optimist in me says, absolutely. We will fly again, both for business and for pleasure, sooner rather than later.


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Executive summary of Whole30 diet
Photo by engin akyurt

Executive summary of Whole30 diet

The Whole30 is a popular diet to start in the first quarter of the year, so you may be thinking of doing it right NOW. It is a reset, a new chance, a way to “cleanse” the system and purify your approach to food. The question is, is the Whole30 a “challenge” or a “fad” diet? Let’s break down the basics.


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Executive summary of the Paleo diet
Photo by Sam Moqadam

Executive summary of the Paleo diet

The Paleo diet is the “sexy diet.” Definitely would be Samantha, if it were a Sex and the City character. The Paleo diet evokes images of ravenously devouring meat – sexy, right? I have been to Paleo-land and will definitely visit again. Here is what you need to know.


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