The DAO of ordering in like a boss
Your boo will appreciate your #fitprofessioanl hacks, and your new abs!

The DAO of ordering in like a boss

You know how it is. You are just coming back from a long trip, ending an insanely hard day, out of groceries, or just not. in. the. mood. All you want to do is flop on the couch and Netflix with your boo (chill optional).


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The DAO of eating on the go (updated)
Photo by Andrew Weibert

The DAO of eating on the go (updated)

Whether you are on the road, out shopping, or at CVS, I will give you guidance for situations where you have to just grab a bite or a snack on the road (for travel, please see my post here). You will be able to apply the “Little Black Dress” Method to have your go-to choice for each spot.


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The DAO of eating like a boss
Shopping and meal planning don't have to be stressful. Follow the DAOfitlife plan to have more time for work, love, and family!

The DAO of eating like a boss

You can still kill it at work and eat healthy throughout the day. Food will give you energy and calmness to deal with all the stress. All you need is a framework designed for #busyAF #fitprofessional women.


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The 80/20 approach to a sustainable life
Photo by Jamie Brown

The 80/20 approach to a sustainable life

The 80/20 principle is often used in a business context, to dictate that the most results can come from a minority of inputs. It’s not just for business – it is a principle that we an apply to many areas of life, including an activity we dedicate an average of 10 percent of our annual income towards: eating.


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Kind of always knew you’d end up my ex-diet
Imagine explaining to this monkey that bananas are not keto and could be paleo depending on who you ask! Photo by Jeremy Bishop

Kind of always knew you’d end up my ex-diet

Let’s begin by addressing the elephant in the room. “Diet.” Google the word “weight loss diet” and you will see no less than 1.38 billion hits.

Just so I am transparent, my diets outnumber my past relationships. And in some ways for me a diet experience is like a bad relationship. You always feel lesser than, you are not satisfied, and someone else is making all the rules. Some are like the old boyfriend you keep going back to.

Now that is just my experience but there are two glaring statistics that we cannot ignore about diets: chronic dieting is directly linked to weight regain and slowdown of metabolism. A group of UCLA researchers reviewed 31 long-term studies on dieting and concluded that dieting is a consistent predictor of weight gain – up to two-thirds of people regained MORE weight than they lost.


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Photo by Svetlana Gumerova


Outlook. After having done something, then meditate and visualize how you feel afterwards. Chances are that having come fresh off of taking action, you will want to do it again.

Remember this Mantra: You can’t change the body unless you first change your mind. This is the difference between people who lose weight quickly in the short term and people who make long-term, sustainable transformations. For the first group, it’s just about weight. For the second group, it’s about self-transformative change, on the inside and the outside.


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Photo by Chase Kinney


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  • Post category:ActPath
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Act. Action is the only way forward. Even if it’s an incremental 5 minute per day routine just so that you do it every day. Do or do not. There is no try.
Action is the only way forward. Just DAO it..


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Photo by Patrick Schneider


Decide. Make a decision – that is the “ D” in DAO. A decision to commit – or recommit – to change, to transformation, and to a new way of life. Even if that’s after a New Year’s resolution that has gone up in smoke. We start our day with making decisions, and by the end of it we have made thousands. It’s those little decisions and habits throughout the day that will make or break your fitness goals in the long term.


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The DAO – Decision. Action. Outlook.
Photo by kike vega on Unsplash

The DAO – Decision. Action. Outlook.

The “DAO” of being a “fit professioanl is a three-part framework that gives professional women a customizable plan of action for fitness success while balancing their career and relationships.

Do you want to get fit, but don’t have time to figure it out? My personal blog, DAOFitlife, and the upcoming book, is here for busy professionals who don’t have time to figure it out. I give you my insights on making fitness – physical AND spirtal – a sustainable part of your life.

If you are like me, you DON’T HAVE TIME to waste on spending hours in the gym OR to cook elaborate meals with obscure ingredients. Through years of my passion for fitness, I have accrued knowledge of what works – and more importantly, what is a waste of time. I can show you how you can revolve fitness around your life, instead of trying to do it the other way around.


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