silhouette photography of person
The world - and you - are limitlless. Photo by Greg Rakozy

The DAO guide to the Law of Attraction

“Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor” – Rumi

You may have come across the law of attraction in various ways – a meme, a LinkedIn post, a conversation. It’s more than just “positive thinking”. It’s harnessing the power of infinite possibility. These are two very different concepts. This article will explain what is the law of attraction and how applying its principles can make very significant and immediate changes to your life. 


person in blue denim jeans
My calendar is even worse, and so probably is yours. But with GTD, you can do it! Photo by Nadeena Granville

The DAO of getting things done

Do you wear a lot of hats at your job? Have a lot of small details you worry about constantly? Start a lot of projects, but can’t seem to finish them? 


green food is medicine! graffiti
Photo by George Pagan III

The DAO guide to Intuitive Eating

When I first heard of intuitive eating, I dismissed it as some hippie-dippie excuse to indulge a lack of willpower. When I bypassed my inner judge and listened to what dietitians had to say, I have gotten more curious. The more I see, the more I think that this could be a new chapter in my fitness journey.

This post will explain what is “intuitive eating” and the resources you can access to explore it on your own.


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Key tip in visiting a dietitian- learn how to spell it, and take notes! Photo by Windows

My date with a dietitian – how to find one, why it matters

In this post, I want to address is the question of consulting with a dietitian or nutritionist in your fitness journey. We will talk about the difference between the two and why it matters. But first, what are the benefits of having professional nutrition advice? What are the considerations in…

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Avocados are your BFF on the keto diet. Photo by Jonathan Beckman

Executive summary of the Keto diet

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have heard of the "Keto" (short for ketogenic) diet. Just what is it, and does it work? What are the upsides, and the downsides? And where can you find all the resources in one place? HERE, in this executive summary. I…

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Photo by Svetlana Gumerova


Outlook. After having done something, then meditate and visualize how you feel afterwards. Chances are that having come fresh off of taking action, you will want to do it again.

Remember this Mantra: You can’t change the body unless you first change your mind. This is the difference between people who lose weight quickly in the short term and people who make long-term, sustainable transformations. For the first group, it’s just about weight. For the second group, it’s about self-transformative change, on the inside and the outside.


person holding black exercise rope
Photo by Chase Kinney


Act. Action is the only way forward. Even if it’s an incremental 5 minute per day routine just so that you do it every day. Do or do not. There is no try.
Action is the only way forward. Just DAO it..


woman sitting on sand field
Photo by Patrick Schneider


Decide. Make a decision – that is the “ D” in DAO. A decision to commit – or recommit – to change, to transformation, and to a new way of life. Even if that’s after a New Year’s resolution that has gone up in smoke. We start our day with making decisions, and by the end of it we have made thousands. It’s those little decisions and habits throughout the day that will make or break your fitness goals in the long term.


Lady doing yoga pose on Beach
Photo by kike vega on Unsplash

The DAO – Decision. Action. Outlook.

The “DAO” of being a “fit professioanl is a three-part framework that gives professional women a customizable plan of action for fitness success while balancing their career and relationships.

Do you want to get fit, but don’t have time to figure it out? My personal blog, DAOFitlife, and the upcoming book, is here for busy professionals who don’t have time to figure it out. I give you my insights on making fitness – physical AND spirtal – a sustainable part of your life.

If you are like me, you DON’T HAVE TIME to waste on spending hours in the gym OR to cook elaborate meals with obscure ingredients. Through years of my passion for fitness, I have accrued knowledge of what works – and more importantly, what is a waste of time. I can show you how you can revolve fitness around your life, instead of trying to do it the other way around.


Read more about the article Decision. Action. Outlook change.
Photo Courtesy of Ivan Torres on Unsplash

Decision. Action. Outlook change.

Do you want to get fit? Are you discouraged because you don’t have the time, or don’t know where to start? This isn't just about getting fit - it's about transforming yourself and changing your life. Because that is what will happen, if you commit to going down the path…


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