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Work out like an Olympic gymnast champion

Go Simone Biles and Team USA! Proof that every setback has a comeback. Now, how do we get as shredded (or at least our version of it?) Except, you know, without the crazy backflips and injuries. Do you ever wonder why gymnasts have the ideal body – muscular, but lean? A huge factor and what enables them to control their bodies in the air like that is athletic conditioning.

Except you don’t have to do it for hours a day! You can do it in 10 minutes a day, with the GOAT – no, the OTHER GOAT, Shannon Miller is one of the most decorated U.S. gymnasts, rising to fame peaked at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, where she won five medals—two silver (team and balance beam) and three bronze (all-around, uneven bars, and floor exercise)—becoming the most decorated U.S. athlete at those Games. The only person to beat her was Simone Biles, 32 years later, while Shannon sat in the front row cheering her on. Isn’t that awesome?

The GOATs We Admire – Their Gym Routines

Just for fun, let’s compare Shannon’s winning floor routine with Simone Biles. It is just an amazing example of how not only technology evolves – hello, HD, but how we as humans evolve in physiology. If you invest time in fine tuning your health, you will reap 10 times the rewards than a version of you that could have existed decades earlier.

Simone Biles’ Floor Routine – Paris Olympics 2024 (with a calf injury!!)

Note that I had to search far and wide for videos that could be embedded due to copyright issues, so you are welcome, in case you happened to be working yesterday during the 6pm Paris time event:)

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Shannon Miller’s Floor Routine – Barcelona Olympics 1992

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Shannon Miller in the 1992 Olympics

Shannon Miller’s Life After Olympics: Making Great Workout Videos for Regular People

But guess what. Now she’s 46, is a working mom and has two kids. Celebrity gymnasts, they’re just like US!

She looks like a grown up, but looks AMAZING. Who would not want that body? So I took it upon myself to include all of her videos with “gymnastics” workouts on my YouTube channel, under my playlist 10 minute workouts. Here are a couple of my faves. The thing I love about these workouts you can do them anywhere, any time, and you don’t even need shoes, so they are PERFECT for travel and my famous hotel room workouts.

Enjoy, and “stick it”! I have also included ALL of Shannon’s Videos on the DAOFitLife YouTube Channel under my 10-minute workout playlist – YES, they are ONLY 10 minutes!

Shannon Miller’s Workout Like a Gymnast

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Shannon Miller’s Abs Like a Gymnast

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