Start Fresh in the New Year: Raise Your Vibration and Embrace a New You
As the calendar turns to a new year, it’s the perfect time to reset, refresh, and refocus. What better way to start fresh than by understanding and raising your vibration—your…
As the calendar turns to a new year, it’s the perfect time to reset, refresh, and refocus. What better way to start fresh than by understanding and raising your vibration—your…
Getting a massage can be relaxing, but it can also take up precious time and be really expensive. You can rarely get away without paying at least $150, if not $200, for a high-quality massage—and that’s even before the tip. Here are some do’s and don’ts to ensure your massage is worth both your time and money.
(more…)Ditch the glass, stow away the corkscrew, and prepare to embark on the adventure of a “Dry January.” This trend of abstaining from alcohol for the entire month has gained popularity over the years, promising not just a hangover-free start to the year but also a chance to reevaluate your relationship with that tempting tipple. So, should you hop on the sober bandwagon? Let’s uncork your Dry January Guide!
(more…)“The definition of hell is: Your last day on Earth, the person you became meets the person you could have become.”– Dan Sullivan.
We all want to live up to our full potential. But life is moving so fast and there are so many obstacles. What can we utilize to manifest the best possible version of ourselves? The answer lies in our words, and this article will discuss how positive affirmations can completely change the direction of your life. I know this because it did with mine.
(more…)If you are on a path to fitness, mental fitness is a critical pillar. You can only fix so much on the outside. The negativity you experience on the inside can sabotage years of efforts and weigh you down, literally. It is a proven fact that positive thinking and weight loss success are interrelated. Not only that, but mastering the art of guarding your mind can lead to better job success, relationships, and overall health. On the flip side, a negative mindset is associated with depression, weight gain, and disease.
(more…)Who has time to meditate? Monks? And also, people who want to stay sane.
If you want to achieve next level fitness, the mental and spiritual element is a huge part of it. I am going to give you a simple guide to meditation, because I know you are too busy to meditate. And so am I.
(more…)“You don’t need to do cardio if you lift weights!” “Weights will make women bulky.” “You have to lift heavy to see your body change.”
Ever since bros have been lifting, there has been “broscience.” A classic way to spot one of these broscientists is the guy walking around the gym with a protein shake and a brightly colored pre-workout drink. And he may also be sporting a bag of trolli gummi worms, because it’s “chest day.”
A lot of the myths surrounding strength training make it more of an intimidating world to approach. How can you dedicate hours of extra time a day to doing sets when you can barely tear yourself away from that spreadsheet?
Here are 5 common beliefs about strength training and how to keep your busy schedule without having to become a “bro” parked in the gym for hours.
(more…)There was a Wall Street Journal article published just before the end of 2022 that caught my eye, titled: The Way You Tell Your Life Story Matters, Start Now. The opening paragraph had a quote: Death steals everything except our stories, by the poet Jim Harrison. But the article cautions if we are not careful, death can steal those, too.
(more…)If you read my blog, you know I love to romanticize about the past. Throwback songs, styles, popular sayings and sitcoms are my jam. And a lot of people feel this way – especially after living through a pandemic, where reminiscing about a maskless, unfettered freedom in life may have kept some of us going. Lately I have been wondering – nostaligia good or bad? The research on this is surprising, so read on to find out where you should leave the past.
(more…)“This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.”- Bertrand Russell, prelude to autobiography
In my post about leaving a toxic relationship, I talked about a jumping-off point. There is a basic crossroads here – you either accept where you are at, or don’t. If you do accept where you are at, then you can keep things exactly the way they are.
If you don’t accept where you are at, then decide to do something about it. A decision to commit to change, to transformation, and to a new way of life.
(more…)This part III of the Habit Series will focus on the last third of your day: ending your day, the evening, and sleep. First thing's first: you HAVE TO separate…
This is for no one to read. Or everyone to read, years from now.
In the Wall Street Journal was an article called, “The Way You Tell Your Life Story Matters. Start Now.”
The part of the article, which was written by a well-known obituary writer captured my attention was this: “Many of us, however, want to cheat death by leaving a mark, however faint. We tend to believe the proverb that people die twice: the first time when their heart stops beating, the second when someone speaks their name, or thinks of them, for the last time.”
So this personal memoir blog is my faint mark. It’s not linear – it’s something I write down when a memory strikes. For example, the first memory is from 10 end of year holidays ago. And someday, I may make it a chronological life story. But for today, this is me, leaving my faint mark.
(more…)This article is an interview with Artin Mahboubi, DiplAc, who is a is a board certified acupuncturist with a research background in immunology. You can read more about Summit Healing…
Before we get to the apps, let’s answer the question – are these optional or niche workouts?
Not if you want your body to truly change. Strength training and cardio do a lot, but they don’t work your core, balance or smaller precision muscles in the same way.
I used to be the biggest SNOB about yoga. “Oh, that’s’ for hippy dippy people who don’t want to do REAL workouts.”
Then I went to my first power yoga class, and collapsed after holding down dog for 10 seconds. This was a RESTING POSE???!!!
The point is, if you are not incorporating yoga as a regular component of your strength training routine, you are missing out on a cardio, strength, and all-over functional workout.
I did not notice significant changes in my body until I incorporated yoga and other types of “precision” training, like barre and Pilates into my routine. Even if you are a beginner to all of these forms of training, so is everyone you are taking the class with. And now, you have the luxury of having well-designed apps and youtube workouts geared towards a private workout in your own home.
This article will give some guidance on some of the best apps that are scalable by time and level.