Calorie Tariffs: The Hidden Costs to Your Waistline

Tariffs often dominate the news, but there’s another kind of “tariff” that’s rarely discussed—the calorie tariff. If what you import from your hand to your mouth exceeds what energy you export from moving your body, that is one kind of surplus you do not want. These cost uplifts can  sneak into your daily habits and inflate both your wardrobe budget and your waistline. In this article, we’ll explore three surprising sources of “calorie tariffs” and simple strategies to manage them effectively.

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The Science of Lying
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The Science of Lying

Lately I have noticed an uptick in one niche of entertainment that I will call the “Grifter Docudrama”. It’s all about lies – but not just one-off lies, lies that are perpetuated for years, catapult people to success, and then once they are found out, are torn down and shamed by society. What is more intriguing than the virtue-signaling is the key mistakes these characters, real and fictional, made. If they had lied more strategically, or quit while they were ahead, they may never have been exposed. It’s now all about “telling your truth” – and that is a very grey area in today’s society.


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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Understanding DARVO and Its Impact
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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Understanding DARVO and Its Impact

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a time dedicated to shedding light on the pervasive issue of domestic violence and providing support to survivors. Domestic violence affects millions of individuals across the U.S., transcending age, gender, socioeconomic background, and culture. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), one in four women and one in nine men will experience severe intimate partner violence in their lifetime. These alarming statistics underscore the importance of continued advocacy, education, and prevention efforts. National Domestic Violence Awareness Month serves as an opportunity for communities to unite, raise awareness, and work toward eradicating domestic violence.


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Work out like an Olympic gymnast champion
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Work out like an Olympic gymnast champion

Go Simone Biles and Team USA! Proof that every setback has a comeback. Now, how do we get as shredded (or at least our version of it?) Except, you know, without the crazy backflips and injuries. Do you ever wonder why gymnasts have the ideal body – muscular, but lean? A huge factor and what enables them to control their bodies in the air like that is athletic conditioning.


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Increase Your Energy Without Caffeine
Side view of professional climber female at the rock climbing wall at the gym. Light background with copyspace

Increase Your Energy Without Caffeine

As you can tell by the other posts on this site, we highly endorse caffeine as a way to aid energy levels and focus. But there are other non-caffeinated ways you can increase your energy which can either substitute for caffeine or act like an accelerant to that caffeine buzz. Let’s dive in.


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New Obsession: Starbucks Iced Energy Drinks
Flavors of the New Iced Energy Drinks Include Melon and Tropical Citrus. Photo Credit: Starbucks

New Obsession: Starbucks Iced Energy Drinks

Attention caffeine addicts! The silver lining in this soupy hot summer is the new line of Starbucks energy drinks. They have almost no calories, no aftertaste, and can caffeinate and cool you down. At this moment, coffee seems very unappetizing, especially when the temps reach the 3 digits. Even iced coffee can feel dehydrating. Enter the Starbucks Iced Energy brand, which has quickly become our go-to caffeinated treat.


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Best Energy Drinks: The DAOFitLife Guide
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Best Energy Drinks: The DAOFitLife Guide

When it comes to boosting your energy levels, there are a plethora of options on the market. From classic favorites to new contenders, here’s a rundown of some of the best energy drinks available today, including Red Bull, Alani Nu, Bang, Ghost, and Celsius.

With of course the caveat that caffeine content is a highly important and individual health consideration, the great thing about energy drinks are that they 1) are way less calories than a latte (usually only about 5-10 per can) ; 2) are super tasty; 3) can give you a boost for exercise in the heat.

Here is DAOFitLife’s Top 5 Energy Drink recommendations. Note all of these brands have minimal to no sugar, so if you still want to shop around, make sure you read the label (as per the DAOFitLife guide here) so you don’t inhale a lot of calories.


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Anxiety is an Asset, Here’s Why
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Anxiety is an Asset, Here’s Why

Anxiety is often equated with kryptonite. We don’t want to experience it, we try to minimize it. Being ‘stressed out’ is equated with weakness. Adjectives used to describe the feeling reinforce that narrative: overwhelmed, fearful, worried, high-strung.

But what if the narrative could be different? In this article, we will explore why the anxiety you feel could be channeled into one of your biggest assets.


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Top Fitness Content: 3 Years In, Let’s Look Back
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Top Fitness Content: 3 Years In, Let’s Look Back

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  • Post category:ActPath
  • Reading time:15 mins read

Celebrating our 3-year milestone, we’re thrilled to present the crème de la crème of fitness content on our website! As we reflect on the incredible journey, we’re proud to curate the top 10 posts that encapsulate the essence of our dedication to your well-being. These handpicked articles embody the expertise, passion, and commitment we bring to every aspect of your fitness journey. Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and equipped with the best of the best as we continue our mission to empower you on your path to a healthier and happier lifestyle. Here’s to three years of excellence, and to many more ahead!


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