Read more about the article Best Energy Drinks: The DAOFitLife Guide
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Best Energy Drinks: The DAOFitLife Guide

When it comes to boosting your energy levels, there are a plethora of options on the market. From classic favorites to new contenders, here’s a rundown of some of the best energy drinks available today, including Red Bull, Alani Nu, Bang, Ghost, and Celsius.

With of course the caveat that caffeine content is a highly important and individual health consideration, the great thing about energy drinks are that they 1) are way less calories than a latte (usually only about 5-10 per can) ; 2) are super tasty; 3) can give you a boost for exercise in the heat.

Here is DAOFitLife’s Top 5 Energy Drink recommendations. Note all of these brands have minimal to no sugar, so if you still want to shop around, make sure you read the label (as per the DAOFitLife guide here) so you don’t inhale a lot of calories.


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Read more about the article Sip, Sweat, Succeed: Your Ultimate Dry January Guide
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Sip, Sweat, Succeed: Your Ultimate Dry January Guide

Ditch the glass, stow away the corkscrew, and prepare to embark on the adventure of a “Dry January.” This trend of abstaining from alcohol for the entire month has gained popularity over the years, promising not just a hangover-free start to the year but also a chance to reevaluate your relationship with that tempting tipple. So, should you hop on the sober bandwagon? Let’s uncork your Dry January Guide!


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Read more about the article DAOFitLife 2022: A Year in Review
Welcome merry Christmas and happy new year in 2023,Silhouette Man jumping from 2022 cliff to 2023 cliff with cloud sky and sunlight.

DAOFitLife 2022: A Year in Review

A collection of the top 5 articles and videos from this year. will inspire you and give you some ideas for workouts to start the New Year. Enjoy the holidays and Happy 2023!


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Read more about the article New Year’s Resolutions for People With Real Jobs
Whatever you write down will fade by February. So do something different, now. Photo by Tim Mossholder

New Year’s Resolutions for People With Real Jobs

  – and sustain it.  If resolutions are not sustainable, then what IS sustainable? Changing your daily HABITS is a sustainable way to make lifelong differences. That is because you…

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Read more about the article How Igniting Your Why Can Get You What You Want
Finding your higher purpose is the first step to changing your life on the inside and out.

How Igniting Your Why Can Get You What You Want

“This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.”- Bertrand Russell, prelude to autobiography

In my post about leaving a toxic relationship, I talked about a jumping-off point. There is a basic crossroads here – you either accept where you are at, or don’t. If you do accept where you are at, then you can keep things exactly the way they are.

If you don’t accept where you are at, then decide to do something about it. A decision to commit to change, to transformation, and to a new way of life.


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Read more about the article Are you in a toxic relationship?
An Idyllic outside can be like a glossy logo that doesn't have substance. Photo by freestocks

Are you in a toxic relationship?

  • Post author:
  • Post category:DecidePath
  • Reading time:28 mins read

The recent events surrounding the tragic death of Gabby Petito, and the trial of Elizabeth Holmes, founder of Theranos, have been all over the news and social media. Much of the focus has been around the scandal and the drama surrounding these two attractive blonde women, who have captivated the public and the media for very different reasons. What conversations have missed is one glaring fact brought to light by these events – that over 70 percent of women experience abuse from their domestic partner, and one in three women in a DAY die.


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Read more about the article Executive summary of the Paleo diet
Photo by Sam Moqadam

Executive summary of the Paleo diet

The Paleo diet is the “sexy diet.” Definitely would be Samantha, if it were a Sex and the City character. The Paleo diet evokes images of ravenously devouring meat – sexy, right? I have been to Paleo-land and will definitely visit again. Here is what you need to know.


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Read more about the article Decision
Photo by Patrick Schneider


Decide. Make a decision – that is the “ D” in DAO. A decision to commit – or recommit – to change, to transformation, and to a new way of life. Even if that’s after a New Year’s resolution that has gone up in smoke. We start our day with making decisions, and by the end of it we have made thousands. It’s those little decisions and habits throughout the day that will make or break your fitness goals in the long term.


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Read more about the article The DAO – Decision. Action. Outlook.
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The DAO – Decision. Action. Outlook.

The “DAO” of being a “fit professioanl is a three-part framework that gives professional women a customizable plan of action for fitness success while balancing their career and relationships.

Do you want to get fit, but don’t have time to figure it out? My personal blog, DAOFitlife, and the upcoming book, is here for busy professionals who don’t have time to figure it out. I give you my insights on making fitness – physical AND spirtal – a sustainable part of your life.

If you are like me, you DON’T HAVE TIME to waste on spending hours in the gym OR to cook elaborate meals with obscure ingredients. Through years of my passion for fitness, I have accrued knowledge of what works – and more importantly, what is a waste of time. I can show you how you can revolve fitness around your life, instead of trying to do it the other way around.


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