Read more about the article How to Make New Year’s Resolutions You Actually Keep
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How to Make New Year’s Resolutions You Actually Keep

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  • Reading time:7 mins read

Every January, gyms across the world witness a surge in activity as individuals embark on their New Year’s Resolutions to get fit with determination and high spirits. However, by February, a staggering 80 percent of these resolutions fall by the wayside. The crowded gym floors of January become sparse, and the enthusiasm fades away. But fear not! This year, I came up with a key to for you to break the cycle that does not involve shilling out 2K for a piece of equipment that will eventually be a clothes hanger.


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Read more about the article Sip, Sweat, Succeed: Your Ultimate Dry January Guide
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Sip, Sweat, Succeed: Your Ultimate Dry January Guide

Ditch the glass, stow away the corkscrew, and prepare to embark on the adventure of a “Dry January.” This trend of abstaining from alcohol for the entire month has gained popularity over the years, promising not just a hangover-free start to the year but also a chance to reevaluate your relationship with that tempting tipple. So, should you hop on the sober bandwagon? Let’s uncork your Dry January Guide!


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Read more about the article The DAO of Mastering Your Email Inbox: The Ultimate Efficiency Guide
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The DAO of Mastering Your Email Inbox: The Ultimate Efficiency Guide

As a successful business person, email is an integral part of your communication. But email should not stampede over your personal values and goals – including those that involve moving your body and bettering your mind. To ensure that you are using your time efficiently and effectively, we’ve put together a guide to help you manage your emails throughout the day.


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Read more about the article The DAO of Empowering Your Morning: Own Your Day From The Moment it Begins
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The DAO of Empowering Your Morning: Own Your Day From The Moment it Begins

“What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.” —Ralph Marston

We all have 24 hours in a day. So do all the Fortune 500 CEOs. So does Beyoncé. Our responsibilities have responsibilities.

Do you want to make the most out of your day? Start by empowering your morning! The way you start your day can set the tone for the rest of your day. Therefore, it’s essential to create a morning routine that works for you and fuels your success. You can look at the morning in two ways – something that just happens to you, or an opportunity for you to seize the day. This is the DAOFitLife guide to empowering your morning.

Here are some tips to help you empower your morning and set yourself up for a “high vibration” day.


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Read more about the article Toxic Hustle Culture: How to Overcome the Busyness Trap and Lead a Fulfilling, Productive Life
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Toxic Hustle Culture: How to Overcome the Busyness Trap and Lead a Fulfilling, Productive Life

‘Hustle Culture’ is a loaded term that means showing the world what a boss you are. And as busy people, we live on this. Striving and staying positive – that’s the thing, right? I even have ‘hustle’ in the title of my book.

But it can go too far – and become a ‘toxic hustle’ culture where we are obsessed with being busy and squeezing everything out of every second. What’s worse, it has become somewhat of a competition. Humble brags on social media along with prideful declaration of one being “swamped” are the new status symbol.

In today’s toxic hustle culture, brandishing one’s busyness is like swinging a Birkin bag. The support for this principle is not just anecdotal – a recent article in Harvard Business Review highlights how busyness has become the new status symbol. The result is a reported rise in “time poverty”. So much for luxury bags! This got me thinking – what is “busyness” really achieving for us in the fulfillment of our long-term values? 


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Read more about the article A Separate Bank Account Can Protect You – And Your Relationship
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A Separate Bank Account Can Protect You – And Your Relationship

It was the fall of 1992. Kieran and Olivia* had just been married. Kieran went to the bank to make a deposit in their joint savings account (note the date – none of this was avaiable via online transaction).

The teller asked him “which account?” 

He snapped his head up and asked her back. “What do you mean which account? There’s another account?” 

There was another account. 


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Read more about the article How Going Back to the Office Might Make You Happier
Social interaction and the act of "waking up" are advantages to returning to the office. Photo by Christina @

How Going Back to the Office Might Make You Happier

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  • Post category:ActPath
  • Reading time:17 mins read

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – African proverb

The Whiteboarding. The coffee machine hissing. The Bright lights. The Big monitors. The hum of the printer and the sound of people chatter mixing with the clacks of the keyboard for an ambient tone (in fact, you can actually download it if you want.)


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Read more about the article The DAOFitLife Hotlist: Best Throwback Dance Videos
Photo by Georgia de Lotz

The DAOFitLife Hotlist: Best Throwback Dance Videos

The 50th anniversary issue throwback theme continues! I was at the gym recently and was listening to “Footloose” – a song that gets me flying on the treadmill. Then I thought, wouldn’t it be cool to see the music video while I listen to the song? And it was. So I set out to find the best dance music videos, or at least my top 5.


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Read more about the article Get your grit back: 13 things mentally strong people don’t do
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Get your grit back: 13 things mentally strong people don’t do

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  • Reading time:19 mins read

May is mental health awareness month – whichhich is why I am excited to blog about what I learned from one of my favorite books, 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do, by Amy Morin. Amy Morin is an acclaimed psychotherapist who lost her mother and husband in her twenties. Amy’s emotional challenges motivated her to engage in a deep study of mental resilience and culminated in four widely successful self-improvement books.  

What I learned from this book is the importance of grit and perseverance. Of not running away and facing the hard things. It’s a case for mental toughness.

Mental toughness is our ability to perform consistently under stress and pressure and increasing our  resilience to bounce back when things don’t go our way. That work is no different than work done in a physical gym – all of the practices in the book are like physical exercises that you can do to get stronger mentally. 

Here is my summary of the 13 Things and how they can help you whenever you confront challenges and disappointments, on a smaller or grander scale. I would like to extend a warm thanks to my very good friend Ryan Trombley for his assistance in writing this article.


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Read more about the article Start these habits now for a fit workday
Make it easier to get on the go in the middle of the day by keeping sneakers nearby. Photo by Malik Skydsgaard

Start these habits now for a fit workday

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  • Post category:ActPath
  • Reading time:24 mins read

Hust how do you manage your day in the age of the “always available” culture?  Read on to find out how to avoid burning unnecessary energy and taking more control of your fitness inside the workday.


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Read more about the article DAOFitLife Weekly Update – August 11
Get the perfect equipment for your home and travel gym in this week's update. Photo by Kelly Sikkema

DAOFitLife Weekly Update – August 11

RECIPES AVAILABLE HERE  Customizable DAOFitlife Meal Plan and Grocery List Links Customizable DAOFitlife Meal Plan and Grocery List Template Google Sheet Downloadable DAOFitlife Meal Plan and Grocery List Template Excel DocumentPrintable…

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Read more about the article Is BMI BS?
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Lately I have come across a number of weight loss programs and food/meal/exercise plans based on calculating a baseline “BMI” and achieving a certain target.  We all of course get our BMI read out to us at our annual physical – and as a result, we are defined as overweight or underweight based on a predetermined ideal ratio of height and weight. But why is this outdated, plausibly biased metric still a baseline? There are some things about BMI that you need to know.


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Read more about the article The DAO guide to the Law of Attraction
The world - and you - are limitlless. Photo by Greg Rakozy

The DAO guide to the Law of Attraction

“Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor” – Rumi

You may have come across the law of attraction in various ways – a meme, a LinkedIn post, a conversation. It’s more than just “positive thinking”. It’s harnessing the power of infinite possibility. These are two very different concepts. This article will explain what is the law of attraction and how applying its principles can make very significant and immediate changes to your life. 


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