Saboteur Series part IV: The Sedentary Athlete
An hour long run doesn't mean you can lounge on the couch and eat chips the rest of the day!! Photo by Greg Lippert

Saboteur Series part IV: The Sedentary Athlete

Have you experienced starting an intense workout program, diligently sweating and working your butt off every day, and then gotten on the scale and seeing the number stay the same, or even go up? The Sedentary Athlete and Compensatory Eating saboteurs may be to blame. They go together like a couch and potato chips !


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Trader Joe’s Shopping List

In order to survive a professional career and be domestic, I have become a “Trader Joe’s chef”. Which means, I buy stuff at Trader Joe’s that I can throw together in rando combinations and somehow make it delish. It’s a skill I developed after years of shopping at the Trader Joe’s in my neighborhood (the West End, in Washington, DC) on Friday nights when I was single. I’d leave work around 7 or 8pm (#consulting life) and take advantage of the fact that the Trader Joe’s would be empty so that I could do my shopping and explore the aisles with no lines. Week after week spent poring over ingredients and chatting with the staff who knew me on a first name basis resulted in building up a repertoie of Trader Joe’s meals to put on my menu.


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I tried the food combining diet for a week, here is what happened
A core principle of the food combining diet is eating fruit before noon. Photo by Cecilia Par

I tried the food combining diet for a week, here is what happened

You may have noticed in my meal plan for last week I had a lot of fruit on the menu for breakfast. Well the reason why is that I decided to try the “food combining diet.” In this post I will cover what that is and what my experience was.

In my post overviewing different diets, ,I didn’t cover every diet under the sun. There is always something new to discover, and I did that just last week when I ran into the “food combining” diet. I tried it for a week, and I am writing about what happened.


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The Fitprofessional Top 10: Calorie-friendly Condiments
Hot sauce is one of the best condiments to speed up your metabolism and add zero=calorie taste. Photo by DiChatz

The Fitprofessional Top 10: Calorie-friendly Condiments

Earlier we explored what kinds of foods you can eat a lot of without gaining weight. Now let’s turn to the stuff that makes the food GOOD – the condiments. Sauces, dressings, and syrups can make or break a meal. Especially if the food you are eating is low on fat, oil, or sugar, something extra to enhance the flavor will help you derive better satisfaction and get less hungry later.


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Photo by Gabin Vallet


Do you have a “love-hate” relationship with cardio? 

I DEFINITELY do. Let me count the ways.

On one hand, after a good run or spin class, you feel that “high.” The sweat is cathartic You are detoxed. That playlist you would never disclose publicly absolutely rocked.

On the other hand, it is time consuming. It can be boring. You can only queue up so much on the Netflix app. 

So the question is, are there any really good reasons to do cardio? Does it get you results? And what role does it play in weight management?


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Week 3 – The DAOFitlife Meal and Exercise Plan
Banana and coconut are a great energizing combo, especially when you need a little pick me up during daylight savings week. Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis

Week 3 – The DAOFitlife Meal and Exercise Plan

On a weekly basis I update my meal and exercise plan google sheets so you can see real time what I eat, drink, and how I move. You can download the templates and customize them for your own meals and workouts. And I have a rolling update of my fast and simple recipes HERE. This week, I feature my Salad Cream and Banana Bread Bowl Recipes.


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The Bride Guide to Getting Fit
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The Bride Guide to Getting Fit

If your wedding is coming up, or if you just got engaged and want to look amazing on your wedding day, you are in the right place. I have been through the trenches of training and adjusting diet for the big day. Especially losing the weight you inevitably gain when you fall in love. Why is that? Decadent dinners, wine, ordering pizza with your boo while Netflixing. And then the rude awakening – a looming wedding and all the baggage it comes with.


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The DAO of reading nutrition labels
Pick it up but don't put it in the cart until you've read that label. Photo by Phuong Tran

The DAO of reading nutrition labels

Failing to read or properly interpret nutrition labels can be a handicap for your goals. And it’s not your fault. I will arm you with knowledge to screen out when a “healthy” food is actually healthy or whether you are being gaslighted.


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