Best Energy Drinks: The DAOFitLife Guide
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Best Energy Drinks: The DAOFitLife Guide

When it comes to boosting your energy levels, there are a plethora of options on the market. From classic favorites to new contenders, here’s a rundown of some of the best energy drinks available today, including Red Bull, Alani Nu, Bang, Ghost, and Celsius.

With of course the caveat that caffeine content is a highly important and individual health consideration, the great thing about energy drinks are that they 1) are way less calories than a latte (usually only about 5-10 per can) ; 2) are super tasty; 3) can give you a boost for exercise in the heat.

Here is DAOFitLife’s Top 5 Energy Drink recommendations. Note all of these brands have minimal to no sugar, so if you still want to shop around, make sure you read the label (as per the DAOFitLife guide here) so you don’t inhale a lot of calories.


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Anxiety is an Asset, Here’s Why
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Anxiety is an Asset, Here’s Why

Anxiety is often equated with kryptonite. We don’t want to experience it, we try to minimize it. Being ‘stressed out’ is equated with weakness. Adjectives used to describe the feeling reinforce that narrative: overwhelmed, fearful, worried, high-strung.

But what if the narrative could be different? In this article, we will explore why the anxiety you feel could be channeled into one of your biggest assets.


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How to Detox Fast
Ivelin Radkov @ Adobe Stock

How to Detox Fast

Just in time for summer, this is your guide to detox fast from what summer brings. Summers are for travel, whether it be for vacation or work – and while jet setting can be exciting, coming back and dealing with a reset can be rough. Our summers are also filled with packed social calendars – backyard BBQs, sporting events, weddings, and pool parties. If you’ve overindulged in rich foods, enjoyed a few too many cocktails, or simply thrown your sleep schedule out of whack, it’s time for a detox. But who has time to detox when you have a crazy busy work and life schedule?

The key to bouncing back is to go HARD: Hydrate, Acclimate, Restore, and Detox. Don’t be fooled by the acronym. It’s easy, simple, and will have you feeling the pep back in your step in no time.


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How to Maximize Your Massage
Jacob Lund @ Adobe Stock

How to Maximize Your Massage

Getting a massage can be relaxing, but it can also take up precious time and be really expensive. You can rarely get away without paying at least $150, if not $200, for a high-quality massage—and that’s even before the tip. Here are some do’s and don’ts to ensure your massage is worth both your time and money.


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5-minute Core Workout: No Equipment Needed
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5-minute Core Workout: No Equipment Needed

In today’s fast-paced world, busy professionals need to stay sharp, focused, and energized to tackle the day ahead. That’s why we’ve designed this quick and effective 5-minute core workout specifically tailored for busy executives like you. Strengthen your core, improve your posture, and boost your productivity with these targeted exercises that you can do right from your office or home. People always ask me what I do and assume I spend hours in the gym, but just like you I have a real job and don’t have time. The secret is that is not what it takes – it is about working smarter, not harder. So follow along with my 5 minute workout that you can do anytime, anywhere, in 10 simple moves.


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Is there such a thing as natural Ozempic?
Iryna @ Adobe Stock

Is there such a thing as natural Ozempic?

One in EIGHT Americans have tried some type of weight loss drug, according to a recent Bloomberg article. For about 1000 dollars a month, that is hardly affordable. But what if there was a natural alternative? According to the below video that I came across in my inevitable weekend YouTube rabbit-hole digging, there are natural foods and supplements that produce the magic hormone that also suppresses appetite in Ozempic. Let’s dive in and see what the claims say.


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Best Protein Bars When You Are On the Go
Vikivector@Adobe Stock

Best Protein Bars When You Are On the Go

We are constantly lectured to eat whole foods and have sit-down meals. But with our busy schedules, sometimes that just isn’t possible. You can’t always get organic veggies on the go when you are traveling. Have you ever tried to stuff kale in your Gucci sling?

Sometimes you may be stuck in meetings for hours without enough time to sit down and eat. Or you may be traveling and stuck in the middle of nowhere with no readily accessible healthy eats. So you need to know the best realistic alternative: protein bars. This post compares the best protein bars you can have as a backup.


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Why Equinox is the Gold Standard for Fitness Motivation

It always comes down to this: motivation. Because sometimes I don’t have it. Sometimes I am overworked. Sometimes I am tired. Sometimes I do not want to leave my warm bed.. Sometimes I just feel like the world has let me down and want to wallow in self-pity with the Bachelor and a bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos.

Through the years, Equinox has been there for me when the world disappoints, or gets too overwhelming.. If you are considering an Equinox membership, this article will give you a full preview of what to expect with a membership from the point of view of a member for 10 years and counting. 

Spoiler alert: it is completely worth the money and pays dividends to your well-being.


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Healthy food swaps for high calorie foods
Dragana Gordic @ Adobe Stock

Healthy food swaps for high calorie foods

We have all been the person aimlessly pushing a cart through the grocery store, staring at the fridge, or pantry surfing. On the hunt for healthy food that does not taste like grass. Is that too much to ask?! NO.

In a world filled with tempting high-calorie foods, making healthier choices can be a game-changer for your fitness journey. I recently covered these in a YouTube video, but have some bonus recommendations in this article, so read on. The key to this is – you can have the foods you like and still feel satisfied. You just have to know what makes a food high calorie but not satisfying, versus low calorie but highly satisfying. And it is as easy as substitute, substitute, substitute!


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The Solution to the “Great Exhaustion”
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The Solution to the “Great Exhaustion”

“If life’s journey is endless…where is its goal? The answer is – everywhere.” – Rabindranath Tagore

In the wake of the “Great Resignation” in 2022, 2023, and 2024 have become the era of the “Great Exhaustion,” widely reported by publications like the Wall Street Journal, New Yorker, and Time Magazine. The problem is written about often, but where are the solutions? This question echoes through boardrooms, classrooms, and living rooms alike. This may sound like the ideal entry point for an influencer hocking lion’s mane extract – so rejuvenating, right? WRONG. Your social media scroll is fueling your fatigue.

But we can’t just blame the Gram. It’s a lot bigger of a picture when we are really looking at this from a mental wellness picture. In this article, I dive deep into the problem and offer practices to turn your exhaustion into rejuvenation.


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Unlocking Wellness: The A-List Guide to Cupping Therapy
Dmitri Kohn @ Adobe Stock

Unlocking Wellness: The A-List Guide to Cupping Therapy

In the realm of wellness practices, cupping has transcended its ancient origins to become the darling of celebrities and athletes alike. From Gwenyth Paltrow’s Goop empire to Michael Phelps’ toned physique, cupping has graced the limelight, leaving curious souls wondering what the fuss is all about.

Cupping is not just for celebs! I have been “cupping” for years. This is one of the top ways I find to destress and relax, plus relieve the inevitable shoulder and neck tension that comes with a stressful job. 

Let’s take a dive into this ancient therapeutic art, exploring its origins, the experience, and the multitude of benefits it offers.


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The Stanley Cup: How to Hydrate and Stay Wrinkle-Free
Matthew @ Adobe Stock

The Stanley Cup: How to Hydrate and Stay Wrinkle-Free

The Stanley Cup craze has taken the world by storm, with enthusiasts proudly sipping their favorite beverages through the iconic trophy-shaped cup. While this trend has sparked joy and creativity among fans, there’s an unexpected concern emerging from the depths of social media – the potential for wrinkles caused by sipping through straws. In this article, we delve into the science behind this phenomenon and debunk the myth surrounding the use of side straws as a preventative measure.


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Indulge Guilt-Free: 10 Excuses to Eat Chocolate for Valentine’s Day
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Indulge Guilt-Free: 10 Excuses to Eat Chocolate for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is the perfect excuse to embrace the sweet side of life, and what better way to do so than with a delectable treat – chocolate! Chocolate can be daily treat in any clean eating plan, if you select the right kind (I hate to break it to you, but white chocolate is actually sugar, not chocolate…). 


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Noom App Review: Is it worth the hype?
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Noom App Review: Is it worth the hype?

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  • Post category:AppsTools
  • Reading time:11 mins read

You probably cannot be anywhere online without seeing ads for “Noom.” People do report losing weight and cite the power of the “psychology” behind it that differentiates the app from more barebones versions of food trackers. So I tried it for 30 days to – and here is my full review. And I cover other options, in case you decide this may not be the app for you.


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Top Fitness Content: 3 Years In, Let’s Look Back
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Top Fitness Content: 3 Years In, Let’s Look Back

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  • Post category:ActPath
  • Reading time:15 mins read

Celebrating our 3-year milestone, we’re thrilled to present the crème de la crème of fitness content on our website! As we reflect on the incredible journey, we’re proud to curate the top 10 posts that encapsulate the essence of our dedication to your well-being. These handpicked articles embody the expertise, passion, and commitment we bring to every aspect of your fitness journey. Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and equipped with the best of the best as we continue our mission to empower you on your path to a healthier and happier lifestyle. Here’s to three years of excellence, and to many more ahead!


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Mean Girls Tactics: How to Get More Respect
Alena Yakusheva

Mean Girls Tactics: How to Get More Respect

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  • Post category:ActPath
  • Reading time:6 mins read

This weekend I saw the “Mean Girls” movie in Georgetown. The theater was packed with large groups of women AND girls, Gen Zers through Gen Xers excited to relive the magic that was “so fetch” in 2004. I have seen the original Mean Girls movie probably upwards of 10 times. I know almost every line and the timing. This is probably why I was let down. There is just no way the acting in this movie had a standing chance against the pure gold of the original Plastics. And this is why: because they missed the whole originality of how the Plastics were really “Mean.” Based on what I heard in the restroom stalls afterwards, I know I was not alone. And so illustrates my point. The best secrets are always in the stalls. I’ve known that since 9th grade. And I have seen “mean” firsthand. This article (which is just for entertainment) examines how old-school mean worked and how some of those strategies can actually benefit you if used in a non-malicious way.


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