Read more about the article Top Fitness Content: 3 Years In, Let’s Look Back
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Top Fitness Content: 3 Years In, Let’s Look Back

Celebrating our 3-year milestone, we’re thrilled to present the crème de la crème of fitness content on our website! As we reflect on the incredible journey, we’re proud to curate the top 10 posts that encapsulate the essence of our dedication to your well-being. These handpicked articles embody the expertise, passion, and commitment we bring to every aspect of your fitness journey. Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and equipped with the best of the best as we continue our mission to empower you on your path to a healthier and happier lifestyle. Here’s to three years of excellence, and to many more ahead!


Read more about the article Mean Girls Tactics: How to Get More Respect
Alena Yakusheva

Mean Girls Tactics: How to Get More Respect

This weekend I saw the “Mean Girls” movie in Georgetown. The theater was packed with large groups of women AND girls, Gen Zers through Gen Xers excited to relive the magic that was “so fetch” in 2004. I have seen the original Mean Girls movie probably upwards of 10 times. I know almost every line and the timing. This is probably why I was let down. There is just no way the acting in this movie had a standing chance against the pure gold of the original Plastics. And this is why: because they missed the whole originality of how the Plastics were really “Mean.” Based on what I heard in the restroom stalls afterwards, I know I was not alone. And so illustrates my point. The best secrets are always in the stalls. I’ve known that since 9th grade. And I have seen “mean” firsthand. This article (which is just for entertainment) examines how old-school mean worked and how some of those strategies can actually benefit you if used in a non-malicious way.


Read more about the article Kick Any Craving With These Healthy Food Swaps
innatyshchenkoe @ Adobe Stock

Kick Any Craving With These Healthy Food Swaps


Read more about the article How to Make New Year’s Resolutions You Actually Keep
See Less @ Adobe Stock

How to Make New Year’s Resolutions You Actually Keep

Every January, gyms across the world witness a surge in activity as individuals embark on their New Year’s Resolutions to get fit with determination and high spirits. However, by February, a staggering 80 percent of these resolutions fall by the wayside. The crowded gym floors of January become sparse, and the enthusiasm fades away. But fear not! This year, I came up with a key to for you to break the cycle that does not involve shilling out 2K for a piece of equipment that will eventually be a clothes hanger.


Read more about the article Your ChatGPT Guide to Calories and Macros
Diego @ Adobe Stock

Your ChatGPT Guide to Calories and Macros

In the ever-evolving landscape of health and nutrition, the role of artificial intelligence in shaping our understanding is increasingly prominent. In this new series, “Ask ChatGPT,” we will throw it right in the deep end with the debate of whether you should count calories or macros.


Read more about the article Sip, Sweat, Succeed: Your Ultimate Dry January Guide
Rana @ Adobe Stock

Sip, Sweat, Succeed: Your Ultimate Dry January Guide

Ditch the glass, stow away the corkscrew, and prepare to embark on the adventure of a “Dry January.” This trend of abstaining from alcohol for the entire month has gained popularity over the years, promising not just a hangover-free start to the year but also a chance to reevaluate your relationship with that tempting tipple. So, should you hop on the sober bandwagon? Let’s uncork your Dry January Guide!


Read more about the article Can you drink alcohol and still lose weight?
Jacob Lund @ Adobe Stock

Can you drink alcohol and still lose weight?

How booze can be blocking your fitness goals

By now you must know that I am not afraid to take on touchy subjects. I feel that with an audience of mostly working professionals, we gotta talk about alcohol. And the timing is just right.  Alcohol is a significant thread in the fabric of socialization. We will soon be back to the days of raising a glass, of wining and dining clients, and of team happy hours.


Read more about the article Escape the Free Food Trap Part II: The Office
Walter @ Adobe Stock

Escape the Free Food Trap Part II: The Office

One of the many perks of working in an office environment is the abundance of free food. From stocked kitchens and holiday treats to cookies, candy dishes, lunches, bagels, and doughnuts, the workplace often becomes a culinary playground. While these offerings can bring joy and foster a sense of community, they can also pose challenges for those striving to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. In this guide, we’ll explore strategies to navigate the office food scene without compromising your well-being.


Read more about the article SAD is normal – how you can overcome your winter blahs
Maridav @ Adobe Stock

SAD is normal – how you can overcome your winter blahs

As December unfolds, the air is filled with anticipation and excitement for the upcoming holidays. However, amidst the festive spirit, the pressure to wrap up work tasks, attend social gatherings, and fulfill family obligations can lead to a spike in stress levels. Managing the year-end rush is crucial to prevent burnout and preserve your mental well-being. In this article, we’ll explore practical strategies to navigate the December chaos and prioritize self-care in ways that DON’T take up more of your time.


Read more about the article Are you still scrambling to buy gifts? Here is an easy solution

Are you still scrambling to buy gifts? Here is an easy solution

It’s the most wonderful – and crazy – time of the year. On top of your to-do list, you have gifts to buy! The good news is, it’s such an easy solution – basically everyone wants to get fit and take care of themselves, but a lot of times we forget to or just don’t want to spend 30 bucks on a candle. If someone gets one as a gift, though, that is a whole different story. This year, consider giving the gift of fitness with presents that cater to self-care, healthy indulgences, and exercise essentials. In this article, we’ll explore fantastic fitness-related holiday gifts that span categories from self-care to exercise equipment, offering something for everyone on your list.


green leafed plant
Dirty fasting can allow liquids like green juices throughout the day. Photo by Devin Avery

Dirty Fasting: How to Make it Work for You

In recent years, fasting has gained immense popularity for its potential health benefits, including weight loss, improved metabolic health, and enhanced mental clarity. Traditional fasting methods often involve abstaining from all calorie intake for extended periods, which can be quite challenging for many people. However, there’s a new and less restrictive approach on the block: dirty fasting. In dirty fasting, you primarily consume liquids until late in the day, providing you with more energy and flexibility than traditional fasting methods. This article explores the concept of dirty fasting, its potential benefits, and why it may be a more attainable fasting approach, as it was for me.


Read more about the article Enjoy Thanksgiving and Keep Your Fitness on Track
Photo by Pro Church Media

Enjoy Thanksgiving and Keep Your Fitness on Track

It’s official – travel for the holidays is back. About 70% of Americans said they have travel plans to travel for the holiday, Airport officials and industry analysts say passenger traffic for the Nov. 24 Thanksgiving holiday through New Year’s is set to reach or exceed 2019 levels.

This post updates the hottest tips for staying sane and healthy during Thanksgiving.


closeup photo of sliced pie on white ceramic saucer
Photo by Element5 Digital

ESCAPE the Free Food Trap: Strategies for Being Healthy This Holiday Season

This week I attended a conference in San Diego, and at one point, to my horror I found that I was EATING CHILI LIME TORTILLA CHIPS FOR BREAKFAST.

WHAT THE WHAT? This my friends is a classic case of the “Free Food Trap,” and no one, not even the ones with the most willpower, are safe.

Whether it is a work event, friendsgiving/family Thanksgiving, holiday party, or even just minding your own business in Costco, there is FREE FOOD everywhere. And no matter how financially secure you may feel, for some reason, the natural reaction is to shovel it in like you were at the Last Supper.

Free food, it’s one of life’s greatest pleasures, right? We all love to indulge in delicious treats, and when they’re offered to us without a price tag, it’s even better. However, this “free food trap” can lead to overindulgence and impact our health, especially in typical scenarios like holidays, work events, kids’ school functions, and parties. But fear not, we’ve got strategies to help you navigate these situations while still enjoying yourself.

The good news is, there is a logical explanation, a primal reason in fact. And the key to escaping the food trap is understanding this reason and figuring out a way to outsmart it.



10 Ab exercises that won’t mess up your hair

Whether it’s a midday workout or a quick one before you hit the office, or your weekend activities, you might want to just zoom through a workout with as little “muss and fuss” as possible. For me, sometimes I have just gotten my hair done the day before, or maybe I don’t want to look like I have been rolling around on the floor just minutes ago. If you are working at home, you can do many of these between calls. If you only have 15 minutes to actually be in the gym you can easily do an amazing ab workout after a five minute brisk work or HIIT workout. (see my post here for a simple explanation of HIIT and how it is easily accessible)


woman in black long sleeve shirt holding blue plastic bottle
Photo by Bindle Bottle

How you can hydrate for optimal health and weight loss

You know water is a key component to your overall health. But did you know that hydration is a big part of maintaining your energy and regulating your appetite throughout the day? But it’s a lot more complicated than “8 glasses a day” because everyone is different. So how much should you drink and how often? This article breaks it down by the times of day.


person holding brown glass bottles
Photo by Sticker Mule

Hot Sauce: The Spicy Secret to Jump Start Your Fall Fitness

Did you know hot sauce can be a powerful weight loss tool? From boosting your metabolism to reducing your appetite, hot sauce has been found to offer a range of benefits for those looking to improve their health. In this article, we’ll explore these benefits, as well as the different categories of hot sauce.


Read more about the article Just go with it : Why not trying is the key to winning
Tatiana Morozova b@ Adobe Stock

Just go with it : Why not trying is the key to winning

This summer Simon Biles made a miraculous comeback from the "twisties" that caused her to leave the Tokyo Olympics two years ago. How did she do it? She let go and focused on other more important things in life. In other words, she "Wu-Weid" her way into success. What's Wu-Wei?…

Read more about the article Why You Should be Skeptical of the 12-3-30
Microgen@Adobe Stock

Why You Should be Skeptical of the 12-3-30

Every single day when I walk into the Equinox I see the treadmill -style workout still sweeping the nation – the 12-3-30 workout. But a lot of what I see is people holding on for dear life on the handles and craning their necks to overcompensate. It is important to consider whether a certain “hot” workout is right for your physique, as opposed to jumping on some social media bandwagon. You should always be skeptical. This is why.


Read more about the article Sip, savor and stay skinny with this coffee creamer guide
fahrwasser@ Adobe Stock

Sip, savor and stay skinny with this coffee creamer guide

For many, the comforting ritual of sipping a steaming cup of coffee is a cherished part of the day. However, concerns about weight gain often loom large, especially when considering the addition of creamy, flavorful coffee creamers. The good news is that with a mindful approach and a few clever techniques, it’s possible to enjoy the indulgence of coffee creamer without tipping the scales. In this article, I will give you specific recommendations and a great method to make sure no matter what you choose, you can sip and stay skinny! Thanks to my husband’s friend Chris H for inspiring this article!


Read more about the article The DAO of Metrics: Why You Will Succeed With Food Tracking
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The DAO of Metrics: Why You Will Succeed With Food Tracking

In business, accountability and metrics are important. How is a company supposed to know if it is meeting its goals and gains if there is no understanding of daily, weekly, quarterly sales? Similarly, fitness goals also need measurable metrics. But what are the right ones, and how should you track them? The #fitprofessional is here to help.

NOTE: This is not to be interpreted as a recommendation of how many calories/macronutrients you should be eating. While the tools highlighted here are a good litmus test, everyone should consult with a medical professional and/or dietician to ensure that the numbers are consistent with their individual health profiles.



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