Your must have guide to staying fit during travel
Are you jetsetting again for work? Have an upcoming trip for a graduation, wedding, or getaway. These are the top 10 do’s and don’ts you need to know from packing to arriving to departing.
(more…)Are you jetsetting again for work? Have an upcoming trip for a graduation, wedding, or getaway. These are the top 10 do’s and don’ts you need to know from packing to arriving to departing.
(more…)If you are on the hunt for a good graduation gift or Father's day present, check out the SkyBorne iPhone Wallet More Zoom video etiquette from Anna Bey (no beds…
How much thought do you put into training your back? If the answer is not much, this article will convince you otherwise. Working your back is essential to counteracting the 3 C’s – couch, computer, and the chair you sit in all day.
Your back plays an integral role in all of your workouts. Running. Yoga. Pilates. Strength Training. Your back is literally your core. Even if you are not working out, your back muscles hold you up and help you do all the random menial tasks like laundry and emptying the dishwasher.
Also, your back takes up a lot of real estate on your body. It’s about to be summer with tanks, dresses and swimsuits and a sleek back will make you feel confident and have the posture to go with that confidence. Here is the DAOFitLife curated list of the top 10 back moves you can do in 10 minutes, plus more playlists and resources you can use both in the gym and at home.
(more…)I promised to continue my series on business etiquette with a guide to Zoom etiquette. But to add a fitness twist (and some fun), we’ll start by a fun way to work exercising into Zoom calls based on common trigger phrases (that are often Zoom faux pas) and what you can do to burn some extra caloiries without anyone being able to tell – even if you are on camera!
(more…)Do you know if you are actually dehydrated? This article explains the tetlltale signs. Hint: you should always drink BEFORE you get thirsty. If you are even five percent underhydrated,…
This sounds like a scam right? But experts agree, 5 minutes of working out a day combined with taking steps to stay active can get you into shape – and keep you in shape. Here is how you can use mini workouts to game the system and get fit while getting it all done.
(more…)You know the feeling. You actually have a reason to wear real clothes, then you reach for those favorite pair of jeans/skirt/pants and then…YIKES.
Your weight is not like the national debt. It does not just have to keep going up. Contrary to popular belief, it is not hard to lose weight. It just takes more than 5 seconds and in our instant gratification society, that means we give up easily. The first thing you have to change before your body changes is your mindset.
(more…)Here is our weekly list of what's hot in the fitness world. Want to be more happy? Learn from the Irish - it's not just their good luck. Here is…
2021 was not everything we expected, but we all learned a lot, and have an optimistic 2022 ahead. This post summarizes the most popular posts from DAOFitLife’s first year- some inspried by you! Below you will find a brief summary and a link to read more. After you read this, I encourage you to write your top 10 “wins” for 2021. I promise you will feel amazing and energized. Let’s look back – but also commit to moving forward, together.
(more…)Fun fact: Did you know that on Superbowl Sunday, the average person takes in over 1200 extra calories in snacks ALONE? On Super Bowl Sunday, Americans will consume approximately 28 millions pounds of chips, 325.5 million gallons of beer, AND 1.38 billion chicken wings. If you were to dump all the guacamole we’re about to eat atop a full-length football field and spread it out, the depth would reach almost 12 feet. In our posts on habits, we talked about sustainable solutions. Part of that is planning ahead for the inevitable domino effect of “eating holidays.” Especially Super Bowl Sunday, which has timing that coincides with the end of “dry January” and 30-day detox diets like Whole30.
(more…)What's hot this week in the fitness world. Equinox Yoga Strong Class Review (Popsugar) - Do you like yoga? Do you like strength training? Do you want to combine both…
We’ve got your back! Let us help you lighten the load a bit. Back pain is something that most of us have experienced and it can really put a damper on your quality of life. From an evolutionary standpoint, where we had no choice but to be actively on our feet (otherwise we would die) until the recent technology age and age of the iHunch, we humans are finding ourselves being ourselves more and more curled and hunched over. It is causing some serious and tragic problems on a micro and macro scale. Here we answer common questons, like what are some common causes of back pain for professional workers, do’s and dont’s to manage and prevent pain, and whether to see an ortho, PT, or chiropractor!
(more…)What’s hot in fitness this week. By Lili Kazemi and Neda Khalili, certified NASM trainer.
(more…)Wow, what an incredibly challenging couple of years we have all had! We all deserve to have an honorary star and pat on the back for our collective resilience, strength, and endurance. Maybe it is the eternal optimist in me, but I really do feel that things are going to get better for us all and that we should all strive to continue to lead sustainable, healthy, and happy lives.
(more…)If you are new to DAOFitLife, the weekly hot list is a collection of hot finds in all things fitness - from food to fashion to wellness. Here's what is…
By Neda Khalili (Certified NASM Trainer) and Lili Kazemi When will this all end? How will we ever get back to normal…. What is normal?! I definitely do not have…
Here are the hot links of the week! Nutrition Are you on the go in the morning, but not that hungry? A lot of people don't have early morning appetities,…
You know you will be shopping this weekend! Scrolling through Amazon while the game is on, or during that car or train ride. Well you are in luck. It is…
And "tech neck" is the new pandemic. Posture affects everything and goes so much by the wayside; especially when we have all of these different forms of fitness and we…
This is a follow up post from the last issue’s post on cool weather workouts. Cold weather running is its own art form, and this post explains everything you need to know about timing, gear, injury prevention and recovery. This post is guest authored by a real life devoted runner and former track and field star, my friend and longtime trainer, Neda Khalili.