Zoom conference call workouts – plus etiquette tips
We still will have days like these for as long as we can see the future. So use those common catch phrases to burn off some calories by tying exercises to certain trigger words. Photo by Chris Montgomery

Zoom conference call workouts – plus etiquette tips

I promised to continue my series on business etiquette with a guide to Zoom etiquette. But to add a fitness twist (and some fun), we’ll start by a fun way to work exercising into Zoom calls based on common trigger phrases (that are often Zoom faux pas) and what you can do to burn some extra caloiries without anyone being able to tell – even if you are on camera!


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How Igniting Your Why Can Get You What You Want
Finding your higher purpose is the first step to changing your life on the inside and out.

How Igniting Your Why Can Get You What You Want

“This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.”- Bertrand Russell, prelude to autobiography

In my post about leaving a toxic relationship, I talked about a jumping-off point. There is a basic crossroads here – you either accept where you are at, or don’t. If you do accept where you are at, then you can keep things exactly the way they are.

If you don’t accept where you are at, then decide to do something about it. A decision to commit to change, to transformation, and to a new way of life.


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A crash refresher course on business etiquette (Part 1)
We are whiteboarding again and it is time for a refresher on business meetings and client dining in person.

A crash refresher course on business etiquette (Part 1)

The art of business etiquette has largely dwindled as we have spent the last two years in isolation. But now, we are traveling again, meeting clients and teams in person, and going to lunches and dinners. The lack of practice is causing a lot of people anxiety about how to act, and that anxiety is amplified in business settings. How do we carry ourselves with class and walk with confidence (for some, in HEELS?) What fork goes with what again? This post will break it down and feature a great YouTube playlist you can watch to get all the basics back down whether you are in business meetings, at client dinners, or at your office happy hour.


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How to make condiment substitutions and keep the taste
It's what you dip the veggies in that you have to watch out for. But you can still have fun dips with the DAOFitLife condiment guide! Photo by Claudio Schwarz

How to make condiment substitutions and keep the taste

Condiments may not seem like a big factor, but think of it like a debt. It’s not the principal (the meal) that can drive you deep in debt all of a sudden. You know that amount. It’s the late fees (and the late fees on the late fees) and the interest (and the interest on the interest). So while we could be eating all the “right” foods you may not be seeing results because of this saboteur. The devil, as always, is in the details. Fortunately, readers, I have


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Get fit in 5 minutes a day
All you need for most of these exercises is a mat and some motivation. Photo by Ave Calvar

Get fit in 5 minutes a day

This sounds like a scam right? But experts agree, 5 minutes of working out a day combined with taking steps to stay active can get you into shape – and keep you in shape. Here is how you can use mini workouts to game the system and get fit while getting it all done.


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5 tips to spring into fitness
That infused sparkling water could be infusing additional pounds despite how much you are doing to get fit

5 tips to spring into fitness

You know the feeling. You actually have a reason to wear real clothes, then you reach for those favorite pair of jeans/skirt/pants and then…YIKES.  

First, DON’T PANIC. 

Your weight is not like the national debt. It does not just have to keep going up. Contrary to popular belief, it is not hard to lose weight. It just takes more than 5 seconds and in our instant gratification society, that means we give up easily. The first thing you have to change before your body changes is your mindset.


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DAOFitLife is celebrating our 1 year anniversary! A look back at our top 10 posts
It sometimes helps to take a step back and look at where you have been. It makes you appreciate your acoomplishments and face new challenges with grit. Photo by Helena Cook

DAOFitLife is celebrating our 1 year anniversary! A look back at our top 10 posts

2021 was not everything we expected, but we all learned a lot, and have an optimistic 2022 ahead. This post summarizes the most popular posts from DAOFitLife’s first year- some inspried by you! Below you will find a brief summary and a link to read more. After you read this, I encourage you to write your top 10 “wins” for 2021. I promise you will feel amazing and energized. Let’s look back – but also commit to moving forward, together.


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Your complete guide to a guilt-free Super Bowl Sunday
With the DAOFitLife guide, you could score a touchdown on healthy eats! Photo by Thomas Serer

Your complete guide to a guilt-free Super Bowl Sunday

Fun fact: Did you know that on Superbowl Sunday, the average person takes in over 1200 extra calories in snacks ALONE? On Super Bowl Sunday, Americans will consume approximately 28 millions pounds of chips, 325.5 million gallons of beer, AND 1.38 billion chicken wings. If you were to dump all the guacamole we’re about to eat atop a full-length football field and spread it out, the depth would reach almost 12 feet. In our posts on habits, we talked about sustainable solutions. Part of that is planning ahead for the inevitable domino effect of “eating holidays.” Especially Super Bowl Sunday, which has timing that coincides with the end of “dry January” and 30-day detox diets like Whole30.


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That Time She – A Personal Memoir Collection
Looking back can be healing.

That Time She – A Personal Memoir Collection

This is for no one to read. Or everyone to read, years from now.

In the Wall Street Journal was an article called, “The Way You Tell Your Life Story Matters. Start Now.”

The part of the article, which was written by a well-known obituary writer captured my attention was this: “Many of us, however, want to cheat death by leaving a mark, however faint. We tend to believe the proverb that people die twice: the first time when their heart stops beating, the second when someone speaks their name, or thinks of them, for the last time.”

So this personal memoir blog is my faint mark. It’s not linear – it’s something I write down when a memory strikes. For example, the first memory is from 10 end of year holidays ago. And someday, I may make it a chronological life story. But for today, this is me, leaving my faint mark.


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Start these habits now for a fit workday
Make it easier to get on the go in the middle of the day by keeping sneakers nearby. Photo by Malik Skydsgaard

Start these habits now for a fit workday

  • Post author:
  • Post category:ActPath
  • Reading time:24 mins read

Hust how do you manage your day in the age of the “always available” culture?  Read on to find out how to avoid burning unnecessary energy and taking more control of your fitness inside the workday.


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Build your back better: How to get rid of back pain
Photo by julien Tromeur

Build your back better: How to get rid of back pain

We’ve got your back! Let us help you lighten the load a bit. Back pain is something that most of us have experienced and it can really put a damper on your quality of life. From an evolutionary standpoint, where we had no choice but to be actively on our feet (otherwise we would die) until the recent technology age and age of the iHunch, we humans are finding ourselves being ourselves more and more curled and hunched over. It is causing some serious and tragic problems on a micro and macro scale. Here we answer common questons, like what are some common causes of back pain for professional workers, do’s and dont’s to manage and prevent pain, and whether to see an ortho, PT, or chiropractor!


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How to work out again in real life
You may be super happy on your Peloton, but if you learn for the energy of a live class, this is your guide. Photo by David Marioni

How to work out again in real life

Wow, what an incredibly challenging couple of years we have all had! We all deserve to have an honorary star and pat on the back for our collective resilience, strength, and endurance. Maybe it is the eternal optimist in me, but I really do feel that things are going to get better for us all and that we should all strive to continue to lead sustainable, healthy, and happy lives. 


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How to keep your COVID fitness routine going – or starting
Accountability is key. So is buying super cute workout clothes (although, they do not have to match!) Photo by Boxed Water Is Better

How to keep your COVID fitness routine going – or starting

By Neda Khalili (Certified NASM Trainer) and Lili Kazemi When will this all end? How will we ever get back to normal…. What is normal?! I definitely do not have…

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