Weekly roundup: Kelp for the win
You can change up your ab workouts by incorporating extra equipment, like plates or heavy books. Photo by Victor Freitas

Weekly roundup: Kelp for the win

RECIPES AVAILABLE HERE  Customizable DAOFitlife Meal Plan and Grocery List Links Customizable DAOFitlife Meal Plan and Grocery List Template Google Sheet Downloadable DAOFitlife Meal Plan and Grocery List Template Excel DocumentPrintable…

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How to use the Chinese Medicine approach to food to get your mojo back
Broth-basd warm meals can be the key to keeping your qi moving. Photo by Markus Winkler

How to use the Chinese Medicine approach to food to get your mojo back

Do you drink smoothies for breakfast and/or eat salads for lunch? Do you often feel tired and run-down for no obvious reason? Are you always freezing? If any of this…

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How to maximize results from your workout*
Stretching is not optional. Photo by Bradley Dunn

How to maximize results from your workout*

The time we spend even making time to workout is precious. So you don’t want to waste your time. I combed the internet and consulted with Neda Khalili, a veteran Equinox trainer, to get you the complete guide. You can find all of the videos in the DAOFitLife playlist if you want to watch them after reading the article.

*Peer reviewed and co-authored by Neda Khalili, NASM certified trainer


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5 top fitness myths, busted
Cardio or strength traiining? You may be surprised. Photo by CHU Gummies

5 top fitness myths, busted

*Peer reviewed and co-authored by Neda Khalili, certified National Academy of Sports Medicine Trainer

Today, we are going to unpack five of the most common exercise myths to help you get to a healthier you! It can be so confusing when we are surrounded by so much proverbial “noise” and one moment “coffee is good,” and the next can be “coffee is bad.” I want you to feel like you can have some clarity, enjoy and sustain a healthy, REAL lifestyle, and tune out some of that every changing radio static! So here we go!


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DAOFitLife Weekly Update – August 11
Get the perfect equipment for your home and travel gym in this week's update. Photo by Kelly Sikkema

DAOFitLife Weekly Update – August 11

RECIPES AVAILABLE HERE  Customizable DAOFitlife Meal Plan and Grocery List Links Customizable DAOFitlife Meal Plan and Grocery List Template Google Sheet Downloadable DAOFitlife Meal Plan and Grocery List Template Excel DocumentPrintable…

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Working hard but not getting results? Here’s why and 10 things you can do
Photo by Julien L

Working hard but not getting results? Here’s why and 10 things you can do

*Peer reviewed and co-authored by Neda Khalili, National Academy of Sports Mediciine certified trainer

“I’m working out every day. I’m eating healthy. But I am not seeing results!”

This is a common challenge when we have a goal that involves some aspect of fitness – whether this is losing weight, getting stronger, achieving a goal like running a marathon. It’s exciting at the beginning, and a lot of work. 

And then the results are in. And…you are the same weight. Or even gained a few pounds. 


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DAOFitLife Weekly Update – July 28
Galaxy has experienced firsthand the experience of overtraining. Do not forget rest days!

DAOFitLife Weekly Update – July 28

RECIPES AVAILABLE HERE  Customizable DAOFitlife Meal Plan and Grocery List Links Customizable DAOFitlife Meal Plan and Grocery List Template Google Sheet Downloadable DAOFitlife Meal Plan and Grocery List Template Excel DocumentPrintable…

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Photo by NeONBRAND


Lately I have come across a number of weight loss programs and food/meal/exercise plans based on calculating a baseline “BMI” and achieving a certain target.  We all of course get our BMI read out to us at our annual physical – and as a result, we are defined as overweight or underweight based on a predetermined ideal ratio of height and weight. But why is this outdated, plausibly biased metric still a baseline? There are some things about BMI that you need to know.


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The DAO of hot weather walking
One good tip for staying cool is to find and memoraize the shady areas where your usual routes are. Also the O2 from the trees will cool you down! Photo by Stanislav Vlasov

The DAO of hot weather walking

One of the few silver linings of this pandemic was that it made walking cool again. Power walking was no longer just for the neighborhood grandparents; it was THE way to get cardio and regain our sanity. And surprisingly, lean out! I could not believe what a huge difference walking made in my ability to feel less stress. Within 6 months, I had lost 7 pounds WITHOUT the gym. Walking is an incredible exercise for even strengthening all those little joints and ligaments that you may not even be aware of and how all of the muscles of your body are truly working in unison to move your body through space—- and it is low impact, low equipment, and free! 


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Why cortisol can mess with you and how to stop it
Stress is needed in small doses for productivity, but too much can throw your hormones out of whack. Photo by Elisa Ventur

Why cortisol can mess with you and how to stop it

Cortisol is like the evil stepsister of collagen, which I write about in my other post. More is not better and can sabotage our well-being. So let’s see how cortisol affects us, and what you can do to keep it at bay.


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